"I Wanna Go Home"

Posted Saturday, November 20, 2010, at 9:13 AM
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  • You know that is the charm of small town Idaho . I was raised in Mtn Home, black and white tv , 57 chevy and sock hop at east elementay on sat nites, pickin up bottles by the road on sunday after church , huntin' whistle pigs witha .22 pistol . crusin the Artic Circle and Hungry Onion and Red steer Drive In... God seemed to be right there with Rev Barker, Coombiya on thrusday nite and the " Game " on friday nite lites at green achres. Hunger Hut for lunch some days when gas was on short supply. Eddies funeral was the worst time of our lives . Cotton survied but would never be the same again. We prayed for peace and I got sent to Nam, heart disease and diabetes , ptsd and a bad back due to a hard landing in country . But I still believe Jesus died for my sins to forgive me that I might have life, love ,and peace everlasting at HOME . May God bless you all !


    -- Posted by paperkite on Sun, Nov 21, 2010, at 9:57 AM
  • *

    Dang! I wanted to be the first to comment on this blog....and I woulda been, had the comment all ready and ran into technical difficulties....

    I LOVE this blog. I read it to a friend of mine as we were driving along.... and we both "got it" .... I was not in quite as early of the era as you were, ....mine started in 61. I've always thought of those as the Wonder Years. I remember being a little girl on base...and playing outside all day long, til we were burnt to a crisp, and cooled off in neighbors sprinklers.(and they didn't yell and threaten us with the law) Then at the end of the day, (and our folks weren't worrying about us) we went home to Mom's hug and home cooked dinner. I remember Mom saying "You smell like a sunny day". Then on some lucky days, we'd hear the IceCream truck musical notes coming up the street, and kids swarmed to get a Nutty Bar for a dime.

    Some weekends, we'd pile into a car and go to Nampa to have a picnic with my Mom's folks. Sometimes they would splurge and get a Bucket from the Colonel, and we'd shuck corn in their back yard. I remember seeing the corn silk floating in the air. Then at almost dinner time, I'd go across the lane to get Great Grandparents from their house. (Which is now a historical site) and bring them to dinner one in each hand.

    After dinner, I'd play carefully 'near' the coal that was used for heat. I was always genuinely surprised when my Mom could tell I'd been where I wasnt' supposed to be. (picture a freckle faced tow head with soot all over) Mom would send me to wash, and when she left, I'd sneak and swoop down the laundry chute into the wash tub.

    Those were great times.

    In my teens, I'd ride to town with my friend Christy Stoecker on our horses, bareback and barefooted. We'd ride thru the Red Steer Drive Thru. Sometimes they'd grumble, but they'd serve us usually with a grin.

    I have so many memories of my Wonder Years, and Mtn. Home is part of most of them.

    Like you I don't like it here as much as I'd like to like it here,.... though "here" is basically the same. I hate the politics, and the wrongs that are going on. I hate seeing kids being raised with no respect, by parents who also have no respect. I despise the "oh woe is me ...I don't have anything, and I am entitled to what ever YOU have, just because I exist" attitude. I believe folks need a hand up from time to time, but by gosh, I have to wait til pay day to afford to buy a few basics. I have to admit I get aggravated standing in line watching someone by expensive steak, while I'm just barely getting some veggies. (oops, didn't really mean to go here)

    I'd like to see some basic values come back. Start with a little respect and consequences for your actions, type of thing.

    I love Mtn. Home,

    Thanks for reminding me!

    I wanna go home too!


    -- Posted by jessiemiller on Sun, Nov 21, 2010, at 6:14 PM
  • I can remember before we had a tv and I listened to the radio shows at my Grandparents house on their big floor console. I listened to the "whistler" and there was another one that started out with a door squeaking, can't remember its name.

    I can remember walking on top of snow banks to school on a cold winter morning in Northern Wisconsin. The snow back then was so very deep and when they plowed the roads they banked the sidewalks with snow and you couldn't see cars traveling down the roads unless you were on top of a snow bank.

    I can remember warming up in the mornings before heading out the door for school in front of the coal stove that sat in the dinning room.

    I can remember saving $10.00 worth the dimes in a dime bank that only opened up when you got it full of dimes, and then buying my first ever bike

    which cost $10.00 from a neighbor lady's who daughter had grew up and left home.

    You didn't speak back to your parents because you knew what you would get. Your parents disciplined you not the police. I can remember my brother coming home smelling like he had been smoking a cigarette, he got the belt taken to him.

    Some old memories I wouldn't go back to but there are some good old memories still left in me. lol ! I would not want to go back to those days of freezing in the winter time. I was so cold by the time I got to school my legs would sting when I opened up the school house door and the warm heat hit them.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sun, Nov 21, 2010, at 6:55 PM
  • Joe's Where is that?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Nov 22, 2010, at 10:42 AM
  • I didn't know they had breakfast.......Thanks for the tip

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Nov 22, 2010, at 12:24 PM
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