What is SENATE BILL NO. 1113
I read the entire bill (exhausting!) and have made notes on the bulk of the changes that Luna is wanting to take place. I realize that there will be a loss of teacher jobs. I wouldn't wish for anyone to lose their job. I am simply stating what the bill says.
(33-125) STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION -- CREATION -- DUTIES: The state superintendent is the executive officer with the responsibility for carrying out policies, procedures and duties authorized by law:
1. Administer grants for the promotion of science education.
2. Post a fiscal report card on each school district and charter school on the department's internet site.
3. Creation of internet based expenditure website.
4. Posting the approved budget on the website within 30 days.
5. Posting any current labor agreements approved by the education provider's governing board.
6. Archive all expenditures for several years.
Personal Comment: I am skipping over some of the repeated sections about Fractional Average Daily Assistance which is the money the district receives per student. The big problem here is money!
Under the proposed Fractional Average Daily Assistance, if one of a student's classes is an online course; two-thirds of the ADA would go to the provider, and the district would keep one third for providing space and support. Today, districts get the full ADA even if the student is being taught online.
Here are the changes that the bill covers that pertain to the students actual education:
(33-1022) PUBLIC SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY: money appropriated for the following:
1. Installation, repair, replacement and support of wireless technology
2. High quality digital learning resources and software linked to state and local curricula, including model lesson plans, content and formative and summative assessments tied to rigorous college and career-ready standards.
3. Classroom technology that assists teachers
4. Safe and secure online knowledge sharing and collaboration systems.
5. Professional development and training that promotes the effective use of technology
6. The development of plans for the improved use and integration of technology in learning.
(33-1626) Granted dual credit for early completers (Students who complete online and onsite courses which cause them to finish earlier)
(33-1627) Online courses: mobile computing devices and teacher training:
1. To better prepare students for the future. Beginning with the ninth grade class of the 2012-2013 school year, students shall be required to successfully complete at least four (4) credits of online courses in order to graduate.
2. Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, parents and guardians of secondary students shall have the right to enroll such students in any online course, with or without the permission of the school district or public charter school in which the student is enrolled.
3. In order to assist in providing students with access to online courses, the state department of education shall contract for the provision of mobile computing devices for each high school.
One thing that I know for sure, every area of state government will have to make serious money-related changes or face bankruptcy. Every area/department should be evaluated to consolidate resourses, trim unnecessary expenses and/or eliminate services or positions that are obsolete. The educational system is not immune to this process. There are areas in the Administrative area that could be cut or improved. And most important in all of this is the benefit of the children. In order for the schools to increase the student's knowledge of technology, there has to be changes.
- -- Posted by bob8492 on Sat, Feb 19, 2011, at 4:23 PM
- -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Feb 20, 2011, at 8:29 AM
- -- Posted by kimkovac on Sun, Feb 20, 2011, at 9:59 AM
- -- Posted by bob8492 on Sun, Feb 20, 2011, at 10:09 AM
- -- Posted by bob8492 on Sun, Feb 20, 2011, at 5:08 PM
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