Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac


Posted Monday, January 17, 2011, at 12:29 PM
View 20 comments
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  • Thanks for your article and link, Kim! I went right to it and signed the petition, also gave a small donation. This country can ill afford this monstrosity created by obama's rubber stamp congress. Disgraceful that something could pass without a single representative ever reading it in its entirety. Thanks again!!!

    -- Posted by Mtn.Homer on Mon, Jan 17, 2011, at 4:49 PM
  • Having watched my mother at70 plus years be told that her group had become so small that they(aetna)were closing that policy(she had paid in for about forty years)BUT for a few dollars more a month they would be happy enroll her in another group.I would sooner deal with federal death panels than corprate death panels at least there might be a DOCTOR deciding if I live or die.

    -- Posted by Happy Haven on Mon, Jan 17, 2011, at 8:17 PM
  • I am not a fervent, died-in-my-wool anti-Obama type but this legislative package is based on assumptions. I am getting my Master's in Economics and so can sift through it rationally. It is based on assumptions not solid reality. The overall package assumes things to follow a linear path. Life is not predictable like that. There are other objections but that is mine.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Mon, Jan 17, 2011, at 8:22 PM
  • The reality is, it was passed, and any effort to repeal it will be vetoed by the President. Now the Republicans don't have the votes to override that veto. But in the name of promoting party goals, they are going to waste a great deal of time, effort, the countries money, for a stageshow. They should be working on jobs; that's where the focus should be. They are wasting taxpayer money on a stageshow. They don't have the country's interests at heart, and they don't seem to want to focus on what everyone wants them to, and that is jobs.

    -- Posted by lakewriter on Mon, Jan 17, 2011, at 9:13 PM
  • lakewriter,

    Of course Obama will veto it. However, this is hardly a "show" as you call it. lakewriter, you are aware that the MAJORITY of Americans never wanted this, right? So if the MAJORITY of Americans never wanted this, then how can this be AGAINST the wishes of Americans? You are aware that the republican controlled House can defund it, right? You are aware that this monstrosity will cost MORE money than fighting it, right? You are aware that many doctors will quit or move out of the country if this thing comes to fruition, right? Jobs is an issue, for sure. But so is this travesty of a bill. This MUST be repealed or defunded. If it's not, it will be the final nail in all our coffins.

    -- Posted by Mtn.Homer on Mon, Jan 17, 2011, at 10:44 PM
  • fredm112: You said that hatred and fear are tools of a warped mind. Well, your ranting about rich people and corporations making profits sure sounded alot like a real hatred of them. I am not a rich person, nor do I work for a huge Corporation, but if it wasn't for both of these, many would have no job! Building a business, making profits, hiring more people to build the business which stimulates numerous other businesses is suddenly a sin? Who the heck is hiring people? Businesses that aren't making a profit? Why is it wrong to make a profit and who decides when the profit is too much? A 90% tax rate???? Just how right is that? You would like to work all week, day in and day out in order to get 10% of your pay. Just how much will you be able to buy? Why do we hate people who make more money than we do? The American Dream is now a sinful thing? NOne of this makes sense! What exactly did you write about that would make the world a better place? Everyone makes the exact same amount? No companies can make a profit? Spread the wealth? Is that what you are saying. Most of the companies that actually make enough money to show a profit, also are the ones who donate the largest amount of money to charities. Just how well would the charities of this world do if no companies made a profit? I am just curious exactly where your hatred for profit, rich people and corperations comes from.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Tue, Jan 18, 2011, at 6:31 AM
  • fredm112, Canadians ARE coming to the USA for healthcare, and its not just the normal, everyday canadian doing it. Danny Williams, Canada's premier went to Miami last year for heart surgery. When asked about it, he unapologetically declared, "I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics." Here's a link to support what I posted: http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/canadian_premier_unapologetic_about_coming_to_a...

    Here's a few more questions I have for you fred112: Why is the hip replacement center of Canada in Ohio--at the Cleveland Clinic, where 10% of its international patients are Canadians ... Why is Brain and Spine Center in Buffalo serving about 10 border-crossing Canadians a week?

    Did you know, fred112, that the number of canadians on waiting lists for referrals to specialists or for medical services is 875,000: http://www.healthcarebs.com/2007/09/03/canadians-running-to-us-for-health-care/

    Try being informed, fred112, rather than just opinionated.

    -- Posted by Mtn.Homer on Tue, Jan 18, 2011, at 6:55 AM
  • Mtn Homer

    I followed the link you posted and then followed another link in the comments section. You might be interested in reading it also.


    -- Posted by julyGirl on Tue, Jan 18, 2011, at 9:01 AM
  • There are many arguments for and against Obama's Healthcare plan. I haven't read through each and every one as carefully as I might like, but I do try to take the time to skim them as I see them so that I am better able to make a well-informed choice.

    When I see an article like this (and the replies that follow), where the entire argument is based solely on the Majority Rights premise...

    Well, I guess I'd simply like to remind you all that at one point the Majority of Americans thought it was perfectly ok to own slaves. The majority is not always "right" and the majority should not always get their way. That's not the ideal this Republic was founded on. One of the many things that makes America great is our respect for our minority.

    If you're against Obama's Healthcare plan, that's perfectly fine. Civil discourse from both sides of the fence can only benefit us in any situation. But I'd like to see a better argument than "because I said so and I'm bigger than you!"

    For a different viewpoint:


    -- Posted by slowdown on Tue, Jan 18, 2011, at 11:05 AM
  • *

    If or when Obamacare get repealed the better have something ready to move into its spot, otherwise I have a feeling it will get repealed, and then they wont do anything about healthcare. Im not saying Im for or against it, all im saying is have something else ready to go.

    -- Posted by shockwave on Tue, Jan 18, 2011, at 12:13 PM
  • slowdown....we live in a country where MAJORITY RULES! Are you actually advocating rule by an elite minority? Really? Doesn't that actually go against our constitution and a government by the people, for the people? slowdown, please tell me where in our constitution does it say the govt. can force you to buy anything???? Nobody is saying we don't need health reform, what the MAJORITY is saying is: we don't NEED THIS OVERREACHING HEALTH REFORM. Are you honestly not bothered by congress passing a bill that not one of them read completely, that not one of them clearly KNOWS all the implications of what this bill portends in the future? By the way, slowdown, it was the REPUBLICANS that got slavery abolished, NOT democrats. The democrats actually OWNED the slaves. What I'd like to see is healthcare approached responsibly, carefully, and a bill that has bipartisan support. In other words, slowdown...... SLOW DOWN!

    -- Posted by Mtn.Homer on Tue, Jan 18, 2011, at 4:58 PM
  • julygirl,

    Thank you for your link, and I DID read it, however, I find it rather funny that you would put up a link where data collected was between the mid 90's to the year 1998. The data that I cited was much more recent, from 2005 on. Canadian healthcare costs, or TAXES as canadians know them, are much higher today than when the "data" in your article was posted. Also what bothers me about this is "telephone surveys"? Really? But let's just say your article is factual and correct, with all that phone call data. Let's assume it's accuracy and bias can't be questioned. It STILL doesn't bely or explain the FACT that canadians are coming into the USA to get healthcare they cannot either receive in canada or have to wait an inordinate amount of time.

    By the way, PRIVATE healthcare insurance in Canada is on the rise too: http://www.macleans.ca/article.jsp?content=20060501_125881_125881

    This is very disturbing since canadians are already paying a hefty premium for their "free" healthcare, but NOW have to pay MORE for insurance to cover what the "free" healthcare doesn't. Is this what you want for America? I don't! If you do, move to Canada!

    -- Posted by Mtn.Homer on Tue, Jan 18, 2011, at 5:17 PM
  • Kim you write that you have been here 20 years. Myself and most of my friends went to Central Elementary School,remember when John's Barn was a feed store and the Merc was a little store on the corner.When you can go back that far tell me about what is best for here.By the way, we had a three man PD that spent most of their time sleeping because they had nothing to do.

    -- Posted by Happy Haven on Tue, Jan 18, 2011, at 6:43 PM
  • Oh god, here we go AGAIN!!! Blame everything and anything on the black guy in charge in DC...Queen moron, please stick to doing soft porn movies...your good at that!

    -- Posted by DUMBFOUNDED IN IDAHO on Wed, Jan 19, 2011, at 3:22 AM
  • Happy, are you actually saying that I have no right to voice my opinion about anything connected to this city, county or country because I have only been living here 20 years? As a matter of fact, I do remember the Red Barn & the Merc, since I visited here before I moved here, but that is beside the point. Your comment was ridiculous. If that were the case, then there wouldn't be very many people who could ever say anything about their opinions nor do anything to make changes. What exactly is the critria? 25 years? 50? Native-born? And who makes the rules? You? Since that is not true, then I will freely speak my mind about anything I choose, with or without anyone's permission. Thank you very much.

    Dumbfounded: You have the right to your opinion, but my opinion to repeal this bill has more to do with the people on the hill who didn't read it than the President. I don't blame that man for everything since he has little power without his followers in the House and Senate. I blame them! But your attempt to trivialize this is admirable.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Wed, Jan 19, 2011, at 6:32 AM
  • I knew it wouldn't be long until some MORON played the race card! Congrats, DUMBFOUNDED IN IDAHO! You've got a rather long screen name. Think I'll just call ya "DUMB", ok?

    -- Posted by Mtn.Homer on Wed, Jan 19, 2011, at 7:02 AM
  • If I had had insurance or they would have had to pay when I did have it, I would have been a productive worker for 15 more years. Instead I will be forced to live off the system. Keep the health care package in effect and move to universal coverage thereby getting insurance companies from between me and my doctor. At present doctors and hospitals are not getting paid anything because I cannot work. If we had universal coverage they would have gotten paid SOMETHING.

    Repealing the present law is a job killer for many Americans who, with health coverage, would still be able to work. Get insurance companies out of our lives!

    -- Posted by Salty on Wed, Jan 19, 2011, at 9:30 AM
  • Salty, have you ANY IDEA how many people are EMPLOYED by INSURANCE COMPANIES????????? Salty, it sounds to me like you don't care about jobs of millions of Americans. Salty, I loved your sentiment about " At present doctors and hospitals are not getting paid anything because I cannot work. If we had universal coverage they would have gotten paid SOMETHING." You DO realize that it's because of this, insurance rates go higher? That's right salty, WE the PEOPLE that ARE EMPLOYED ARE the ones PAYING SOMETHING for YOUR HEALTHCARE. With all due respect, Salty, I don't want to pay for your healthcare. I want to pay for my family and myself.

    -- Posted by Mtn.Homer on Wed, Jan 19, 2011, at 10:18 AM
  • HEY ....DOUMBFOUNDED ''''''' were did that come from ??????????? personally i did not see anything said that warranted that........THEY dont like the BILL THERE ARE ......PROS AND CONS TO IT ............LET the debate continue you just tried to send it somwhere it wasnt going.....IT WASNT EVEN IMPLIED....AT THIS TIME

    I cant speak for anyone but ME.BUT that didnt set well.

    -- Posted by lamont on Wed, Jan 19, 2011, at 12:34 PM
  • *

    it was only a matter of time until the race card was pulled out after all this is AMERICA.

    -- Posted by shockwave on Wed, Jan 19, 2011, at 6:22 PM
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