Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac


Posted Sunday, December 12, 2010, at 10:31 AM
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    ill be there when it all goes violent.

    -- Posted by shockwave on Sun, Dec 12, 2010, at 10:52 AM
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  • We the People,.... by the people, for the people and of the people. It starts with local elections. Sheriff, school board, council and local representatives. What is their position before they are elected? Then hold them accountable. Congress is responsible and we are responsible for electing congress. Hard to believe that California will not stay on the public dole and the US will not address the national debt without us (we the people) forcing them to deal head on with the issues. As long as the "I got mine" philosophy continues no change is in sight.

    -- Posted by bob8492 on Sun, Dec 12, 2010, at 2:43 PM
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  • Government is not a cure-all, but it is not useless either. I've always thought the idea of government medical coverage is so if you CAN'T pay, you won't get sick and die. What's bad about that?

    Ultimately, though, if we don't want government to do that, then we should do it ourselves, which means others helping those in need instead of seeing them as lazy bums. And helping as long as is necessary, many years even if it takes that -- as long as that person is truly needy. And that also means that companies MUST change the way they do things, to ensure people can get jobs that pay enough to be able to get at least the basic needs INCLUDING medical. That is, to ensure EVERYONE can do that. Everyone *deserves* that. Not many are asking for the 5-6 McMansions and 10 cars of the "rich", etc.! It also means companies should be required to divulge every reason they did not hire someone, etc. It also means we should terminate all outsourcing and bring all the jobs back here from stupid China.

    -- Posted by mike3 on Mon, Dec 13, 2010, at 2:42 AM
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