TAXES! GOVERNMENT HAND-OUTS! STIMULUS BAIL-OUTS. WELFARE MONEY! FREE THIS AND THAT! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING CAUSE THE GOVERNMENT WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. NATIONAL HEALTHCARE WILL KEEP YOU HEALTHY FOR NOW! LAWS AND LAWS AND MORE LAWS THAT RAPE THE PEOPLE OF THEIR LAND AND PROPERTY! OH MY GOSS, WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! I watch as the government continues to take over more and more of our lives. Using noble intentions, the people will be protected from everything, leading us into a false sense of security until everything is controlled by the gov't. You will not be able to buy food, get to your money out of the bank, eat a hamburger with fries, listen to radio or watch TV, or buy anything without the blessing of your government! Does this sound far-fetched? I don't think so!
As far as the "Bush" tax credits are concerned, I know that if the tax cuts were not extended, the people would once again be sucked dry. History has taught us, over and over again, that the people will put up with an oppressive government or leader for just so long and then it usually leads to violent revolt.
I have experienced this feeling of being bled dry for the past few years. I have worked a large number of days to pay the IRS alot of money. I have paid my part and like all of us, deserve a voice in how my money is spent! I can only give so much before I have to take a stand and say, NO MORE! History also teaches us that when taxes are low, the country flourishes! People with more money will stimulate the economy far more than government hand-outs! The people can save the economy not the "powers-that-be"!!! People who owe their living to a government become bitter and ashamed which leads to a hatred of the entity that is giving the hand-outs. People who work for their money and take care of their own families without outside help are stronger, happier people with a pride that they have acheived what they have because of their hard work. Work is good! Hard work is good for the soul of man. Those who live off others, are enslaved, in bondage to that entity. No person can be happy as long as they are under the thumb of an authority that disguises itself as a helpful entity. Charity between people is wonderful. Government assistance will enslave! Believe it or not! Take it or leave it! These are the thoughts I have to rant about today. What are yours?
- -- Posted by shockwave on Sun, Dec 12, 2010, at 10:52 AMReport comment to editor
- -- Posted by bob8492 on Sun, Dec 12, 2010, at 2:43 PMReport comment to editor
- -- Posted by mike3 on Mon, Dec 13, 2010, at 2:42 AMReport comment to editor
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