Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac


Posted Tuesday, November 2, 2010, at 9:25 AM
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    What a bunch of silly heads you guys are. You people said you wouldn't be voting for the mainstream party(repubs), but you did it anyway. You guys can't be trusted to even follow your own standards of revolution. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Nice job on the propaganda machine and the underwhelming win.

    -- Posted by censored on Wed, Nov 3, 2010, at 11:18 AM
  • Though voting is private, I will reveal for the 1st time ever, that I voted without regard to the party. I have never had a situation where I voted all one party but I know that there are people who do that. All in all, I am extremely pleased with the turn out. It was wonderful to see so many doing the right thing. Congrats to all!

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Thu, Nov 4, 2010, at 6:36 AM
  • had a very tiresome day.........i just saw a bold face lie by hannity and some others and he told it with such conviction........1/10 us navy to take the pres to india........at 200 million a day.....how do you tell that kinda thing with a straight face...........how do you say decrease the deficit and then want to have 700 billion go out the window for 2 % of us to get a tax cut to the wealthy who dont spend the money.........i guess thats is what we get ......this stupidity will get us all killed.....one way or another.......the lies is what bothers me most .........you said you were going to do something do it.........i dont feel there is any intention to change business just and intent to make as much money as they can while they can......and mc connel and bohenor are both liers and are self serving to the american peoples detriment

    .......im not bitter............i think that the garbage will just flow in the opposite direction now......and the extremes in both partys serve nothing......sarah palin will bring us to our knees......to say the least.......better build a bunker.......and mrs bachman is in a world all her own .....is she sane????????/ does anyone know????????????

    -- Posted by lamont on Thu, Nov 4, 2010, at 10:52 PM
  • Whether you vote straight ticket or not, the real chance for change was in the Primaries. We would be better off if states that continually place the same party in office, to just put in new faces during the Primary. Regardless of the name, if you had a (D) by your name...your candidacy suffered. Bottom line is voters believe a vote for a (D) was a vote of approval for current national policy.

    -- Posted by jdvann on Fri, Nov 5, 2010, at 8:12 AM
  • what sell out are you talking about??????????you keep saying that...........i dont see that the way i interpret the word..........are you talking about outsourceing.......because that is corp americas deal........job creation requires corporations to produce here not abroad......it requires cooperation from labor........and it requires and educated work force willing to work.........when you get corp who say there only allegiance is to the stock holders ......we have a problem.........its called the lack of national allegiance........translation.......we dont care if you dont work as long as we make money........thats were we need to have heartburn at............the goverment on there backs did not stop jobs........that is a lie.........what stoped jobs was the drying up of capital.......the banks holding down the fort .........because they had paper that wasnt worth the paper........we cannot creat jobs that way there is no foundation.......we are trading paper........real jobs are created when you make something,you produce something,micron layed off people then made 1.7 billon.....and hasnt hired back anyone........why????????......they want to do it again for the stock holders........if you lose your house after we layed you off SO WHAT/////?????? THATS YOUR PROBLEM.......national allegiance........they are building a plant in korea though.......quite denigrating people and look at the big picture

    -- Posted by lamont on Tue, Nov 9, 2010, at 9:23 AM
  • I was not able to vote here in Nevada due to their bizaare and maddening system. To get a drivers license here can be a chore as I found it. That aside, I would have voted for "None of the Above". Neither Reid nor Angle is a good fit. Nevada needs someone who can take some heat and just do the right thing even if it means political suicide.

    There is always going to be a debate about who should get the tax cuts; the wealthy, middle class, or the poor. It seems that in politics, one cant give tax relief to all instead it has to be one or the other. A bit short sighted but that is the media for the most part.

    About jobs, the hidden disease behind this debate is the payroll taxes. Benefits and wages are expensive. However, payroll taxes will sink a business and they are the big item that the IRS audits one for. Regardless of what one thinks about the IRS, it sets the business up for a field of land mines. That risk makes hiring additional office personnel almost mandatory. The point being that payroll taxes drive up the cost of production. Yes, they do have benefits but they could be reduced and it would not harm society.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 12:19 PM
  • Election day here was a bit strange. The touch screen machines did have some issues. The news media only breezed over it. I sense that they knew how tired everyone was of hearing about this race.

    During the last two weeks, 95% of all commercials were associated with Reid or Angle. It was simply astounding. One of the more revealing facets to Nevada is that 30% of Reno residents are on some sort of welfare. Reid has to have some blame or complicity in that.

    I am looking for work. It is slim pickings in the job market.

    As for Thanksgiving, the in-laws are coming down to watch the Boise St.-Nevada football game. It is on the friday after Thanksgiving. It should be quite the event. Christmas, we hope to make it up to Boise and spend a week or so, but who knows. How about you?

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 10:06 AM
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