Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

A Socialist-Communist Foundation

Posted Thursday, April 8, 2010, at 2:04 PM
View 49 comments
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  • Dear Madam Moron-Squad Leader,

    May I ask one simple question...what are you smoking? Where does one come up with this fantasy fiction?

    Soo your latest far-right manifesto is indicating that our commander-in-chief is a Marxist Communist? So what's next... that Mr. Obama is the next "Manchurian Candidate" . Where do you come up with this crap!

    Dear editor, are you aware of the material that is being printed in your blogs? There should be some established standards of ethics and validity when someone has a blog in your paper. I am the first who will defend the freedom of speech and one's opinion, but this latest blog is just plain non-sense. The reputation of this paper depends on it.

    -- Posted by DUMBFOUNDED IN IDAHO on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 3:01 PM
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    She stole most of it from Glenn Beck without giving him any props. I believe it was sometime this week that the Exact same topic and wording was used by Mr. Beck in another attempt to trick the new dumb while turning everyone against each other.

    There are copy right laws......

    -- Posted by censored on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 3:21 PM
  • Kim may I ask where you got your material from? I would like to read more of it. Please give references to where you got your info

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 3:23 PM
  • and you dont think that citizens have been leaning this way for years? He is not this anomaly amidst the pure "democracy" of the past. The public has been leaning towards increased govt. intervention since 1929. Any attempt to deny this is ignorant.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 4:22 PM
  • Here's a present for Kim and bazookaman...

    "I pledge to eliminate all government intervention in my life. I will abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following:

    Social Security


    State Children's Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)

    Police, Fire, and Emergency Services

    US Postal Service

    Roads and Highways

    Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)

    The US Railway System

    Public Subways and Metro Systems

    Public Bus and Lightrail Systems

    Rest Areas on Highways


    Public and State Universities and Colleges

    Public Primary and Secondary Schools

    Sesame Street

    Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children

    Public Museums


    Public Parksand Beaches

    State and National Parks

    Public Zoos

    Unemployment Insurance...

    ...Smithsonian Museums such as the Air and Space Museum or Museum of American History

    The socialist Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments

    The government-operated Statue of Liberty

    The Grand Canyon

    The socialist World War II and Vietnam Veterans Memorials

    The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery

    All other public-funded socialist sites, whether it be in my state or in Washington, DC

    I will urge my Member of Congress and Senators to forego their government salary and government-provided healthcare.

    I will oppose and condemn the government-funded and therefore socialist military of the United States of America.

    I will boycott the products of socialist defense contractors such as GE, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Humana, FedEx, General Motors, Honeywell, and hundreds of others that are paid by our socialist government to produce goods for our socialist army.

    I will protest socialist security departments such as the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Department of Justice and their socialist employees.

    Upon reaching eligible retirement age, I will tear up my socialist Social Security checks.

    Upon reaching age 65, I will forego Medicare and pay for my own private health insurance until I die.

    SWORN ON A BIBLE AND SIGNED THIS DAY OF ____________ IN THE YEAR ______________.

    ___________________________ ___________________________

    Signed Printed Name/Town and State

    -- Posted by OBJSmith31 on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 6:42 PM
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    Mc·Car·thy·ism NOUN

    1. public accusation of Communist sympathies: the practice of publicly accusing somebody, especially somebody in government or the media, of subversive or Communist activities or sympathies, especially without real evidence to substantiate this

    2. unfair accusation or investigation of people: the practice of using unsubstantiated accusations or unfair methods of investigation to discredit people

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 7:07 PM
  • Good thing Hoover isn't running the FBI now days I think Kim and bazookman would be in his file

    According to documents declassified in 2007, Hoover maintained a list of 12,000 Americans suspected of disloyalty with the intention of detaining them.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 8:17 PM
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    Nice post JYD. As for the other drivel I have one thing to say. the constitution gives us certain rights. One of those is free speech. What Kim has psoted can be readily researched on the internet as well as in print. But once again the radical left have jumped onboard by asking the editor to deny Kim her rights guaranteed under the first amendment. To the long winded OBJ...you actually need to READ the document I just mentioned. Alot of what you want us to go against is actually specifically mentioned in the constitution. The military specifically and things like roads, libraires, parks and beaches all can make a case as being for the general welfare and we can be taxed for such. You make your mistake when you start naming things like unemployment insurance. You DO know that your employer pays into a pool as do all employers who hire legal workers much like you would for healthcare. When you lose your job through no fault of your own, you make a claime against that moeny just like you would health insurance. Unlike health insurance now you aren't required to ask for the unemplyment and your employer can make a claim denying you the benefit if the fired you for cause.

    TO make a long story short....things specifically guaranteed by the constitution are the things government SHOULD be doing for us. But too much is the case now that they are forgetting about this old, dusty piece of parchement and doing whatever they feel like doing. Congress should not be making laws that reach far outside the boundaries set forth by our fore fathers. The courts should be using the authority given it and turn these laws over. And the president should be signing only the lawful laws that reach his desk. He was elected to be the President of the United States, not just the president of the democrat party.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 10:47 PM
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    So sign the form then bouncer, otherwise people are going to call you a socialist.

    The lawful laws, you crack me up bouncer.

    And nobody asked the editor to deny Kim's rights. Unless she is using her rights to infringe on others rights. Or the fact that she likes to use other peoples works, liberally I might add, with out giving the original writer/s, individuals credit. That is against the lawful law.

    -- Posted by censored on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 11:38 PM
  • -- Posted by kimkovac on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 7:16 AM
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    Naw..I think I'll keep my own mind and do what I always do. If I were to sign the form then I would have to stay holed up in my house, in front of my computer, trashing other people in blogs, maintaining my LCD tan.....wait....if I did that then I'd have to change my blog name to censored2...LOL

    Sorry..bad joke.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 7:41 AM
  • OBJSmith31, good stuff. You knew that when confronted the individuals would cop out. Oh well, so goes any discussion about politics.

    By the way, everybody's hero FDR enacted.. what was that called again?.. Oh, yeah the New Deal. Social Security... hmmmm...that is govt. intervention. I knew about long before coming to college and so did the rest of you. Go ahead, be ignorant and claim that SS was justified and that everything since has been treason and reprehensible but the truth is that one's logic crumbles like a politician's resolve.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 9:19 AM
  • Kim Thank you for the links to your reference's I will check them out each one as time permits me.

    I did however find a little more about the "Little Red Church" you mentioned I got the info from your American Thinker Link

    This was a church Obama's Mom attended while in High School. The church wasn't located in Hawaii it was in Bellevue Washington where the Dunhams lived for awhile

    Here's an excerpt from a page from one of your links the American Thinker. I didn't change the wording it is as I seen it

    "As much as a high-school student can, she'd question anything: What's so good about democracy? What's so good about capitalism? What's wrong with communism? What's good about communism?" Wichterman said. "She had what I call an inquiring mind."

    She also showed her politics, wearing a campaign button for Adlai Stevenson. And despite flirting with atheism, she went to services at East Shore Unitarian church, a left-leaning congregation in Bellevue.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 9:56 AM
  • Liberalism is not a disease- being close minded is.

    Nearly everyone on this website leans far into the conservative spectrum of the political grid.

    Instead of having an open mind and staying at (0,0), most have chosen to deny anything that doesn't fall under their party's beliefs.

    Obama is a democrat, and you think he's some kind of communist/socialist nazi for it.

    A lot of Obama's policy is bad, but if you look at his voting record, Barack Obama is a lot less liberal than you think.

    Calm down and be objective for once.

    Party politics. ughhh.

    -- Posted by lilmissmelmo on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 12:15 PM
  • Finally, we have thoughtful and insighful discussion from some of our bloggers. I was getting worried there for moment. Thought only the "Moron-Squad" was present.

    Now you see Moron-Squad, what I was talking about, when you have somewhat intellegent and insightful feedback from those of us who utilize more then one percent of our brains.

    I feel much better now...there are common folk who don't subscribe to entire lies...good on ya!

    -- Posted by DUMBFOUNDED IN IDAHO on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 3:03 PM
  • I didn't say that you were saying he's socialist because he's a democrat.

    I just think you're subscribing to the kool-aid because democrat haters have been serving it at your republican conventions.

    In debate, we learn all sides of an issue before coming to an opinion. And even then, we accept that we might be wrong.

    -- Posted by lilmissmelmo on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 4:01 PM
  • I found a copy of Obama's Birth certificate


    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 8:39 PM
  • Ms. You are correct the church wasn't in Hawaii. I'm sorry that I didn't clarify that. If you read more of that Communist poet's history, it will really open your eyes. He has a very "red" past. Of course, he's not the only mentor or advisor that Obama has had over the years that are Communist or Socialist. So many that there is no time to write all their names. Would he claim them today? I doubt it. However, the fact doesn't change that he grew up and still surrounds himself with unAmerican people. He makes them Czars!

    Bazooka is correct about the birth certificate problems. Obama doesn't qualify to be our President. Never has! Yet it is amazing to me that the democrates proved that anyone can be elected if you run the campaign right and dazzle the people. What a hard lesson to learn.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 7:46 AM
  • Censored and anyone else who question what I write. I always read several different sources. I look over documents and newspaper articles from the actual time. I read as much as I can. I write about what I have read and I always put into quotes what another has said. I don't just look at what one person reports but many different ones. I even read the actual writings of the person that I am writing about. I read their own words, yet it is called lies? If Davis admits to being a pedophile, admits to writing a book about his sexual journeys and writes about being a communist; is recorded in historical records that he was a communist, then I think it can't be lies.

    I read the article that Obama, Sr. wrote. How can that be lies? Why is reporting the actual words of these people lies?

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 7:58 AM
  • Why would 40% of the Doctors quit their practices after all those years of Medical School and Student Loans that they will have to pay back? They still have house payments, bills to pay just like everyone else.

    What their going to quit and get a job at a fast food restaurant?

    Don't you think that if everyone has to have insurance the Doctors are going to have more patient's to see. A lot of the Doctors don't like having to take Medicaid or Medicare because its a slow process to collect their money however insurance company's pay much faster. More people having health insurance more young people might want to get into that profession

    I was thinking about something

    I grew up being raised a Lutheran, and had to studied the Bible. As an adult I study the Catholic Religion had my baby's Baptized in the faith and I attended church with them. I never became a Catholic so I couldn't receive communion. I have the Book of Mormon tucked away in my night stand that I read off and on although I have never attended their church. I have let the Jehovah Witnesses into my house to study their faith. So because I did this how would I be classified? Am I a true believer in any one of those Religions or do I believe in all of them? Because a person study's or goes to a certain church does not mean they believe.. If I had to take a coarse on Marxism in college would that mean I believe in it?

    Yes FDR was a democrat and he is the one that put Social Security in place because we were going through a depression at that time and there were many people standing in the soup line. At that time Social Security was a godsend for our country

    This also shows that Obama is not the first President that did something good for our country while others see it differently. I wonder back then if they called FDR Nazi, commi, unamerican?

    I think its unamerican to call a president such horrible names just because you don't like what he is doing.

    When the next president is sitting in the white house with his family and even if he is a Republican I will still be offended if the name calling starts up.. Its wrong and it does no good for our Country

    I am now reading about Frank Davis and so far I see he wrote a nasty book however I have not got to the part that he was an actual pedophile I'm still reading. From what I gather it was a Novel (fiction) so I at this point will not assume because he wrote a nasty book that he did what he wrote....

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 10:04 AM
  • Excuse the misspelled words this morning, guess I haven't had enough coffee yet. lol !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 10:07 AM
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    Kim: I'll use the defeflection methods the right likes to use. It's all a conservative media conspiracy to turn Americans against each other with lies and threats. Which is partially true since we've been over the topic of who actually owns the majority of the media outlets and the conclusion was the conservatives. But hey that's cool, I've been patiantly waiting for your conspiracies to come true like the Fema camps, swine flu arrests, environmental treaties that sign over America to the U.N., even though America already owns the UN. Let's not forget about your guns, we all still have those and Obama hasn't threatened to take them. Hell he even agreed that it should be legal to have fire-arms in National Parks but left it up to the states to say yes or no in the end. You righties have become propaganda tools to a heavier extent then the mainstream left. But you can't see it because of all the anger and fear that they feed you with. You guys are up to your ear-holes in lies which cateracts your vision. You can only see as far as they let you. So keep it up and sooner or later you'll get the chance to start your false-revolt and can start shooting innocent people because they might be lefty democrat/commie/socialist/quakers. You'll have a great time until you realize that you guys destroyed your own freedoms and have lost everything. (Kim in closing, I still doubt you journalism practices since you don't list your sources until someone questions you.)

    Bouncer: Had I realized I could get a tan from my computer I would have quit my job 2 years ago and lived off your money. There's still time I guess....? Or maybe I should get a new job as a paid barroom thug? I hear you can get nice smokey tans in bars. But why would I want to down grade my status in society?

    -- Posted by censored on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 11:15 AM
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    Actually quit being a "bar room thug" a couple years ago. I did it as a second job so I wouldn't have to go to the government with my hand out. I wanted my kids to have a good role model when it it came to a good work ethic. I have made sure my family never wanted for anything they needed and have asked that they work for anything they wanted. So before you go off and start your ever present name calling, GET TO KNOW ME! My grown children are hardworkers and though now they don't have much, they aren't expecting to get an "Obama Check" so they can buy that $30,000 car. Get a life ya moron!

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 8:58 PM
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    Bouncer: Read the whole comment that you wrote, something doesn't add up?

    "Actually quit being a "bar room thug" a couple years ago. I did it as a second job so I wouldn't have to go to the government with my hand out. I wanted my kids to have a good role model when it it came to a good work ethic. I have made sure my family never wanted for anything they needed and have asked that they work for anything they wanted. So before you go off and start your ever present name calling, GET TO KNOW ME! My grown children are hardworkers and though now they don't have much, they aren't expecting to get an "Obama Check" so they can buy that $30,000 car. Get a life ya moron!"

    And further you've already admitted in past comments to have used Government assistance in the past. Just another thing that doesn't add up about your life stories.

    BAZOOKA: Get over yourself.

    -- Posted by censored on Sun, Apr 11, 2010, at 7:57 AM
  • Ok, first I am an Economics major not political science or history. Economics is the study of choice. Whether that choice is right or wrong is not the objective of the courses. Economists work to quantify the eventual outcome of a decision in terms that the lay public can understand.

    I love that some on here condemn all forms of govt. intervention. Deeming that any govt. intervention, no matter how small or inconsequential, is socialism. Socialism leads to the destruction of all and that once we go down that path the end is near. Well, Social Security and Medicare are govt. intervention. Price supports for agriculture is another example. Now by accepting the practice of those three and opening one's eyes, this apocalyptic garbage falls apart. The world has not came to an end. I just lose to call people on their exaggerations.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Sun, Apr 11, 2010, at 4:45 PM
  • FDR and Social Security

    I found this an interesting read It's almost as if History is repeating itself

    As the Great Depression raged, Roosevelt became convinced that a Social Security program had to be established. In June 1934, he announced that he was preparing to "undertake the great task of furthering the security of the citizen and his family through social insurance."

    Conservative Republicans seized on the word "social" and added an "ism," claiming that FDR was turning the nation toward socialism.

    To be sure, he was borrowing a socialist idea, one that had been advanced for decades by the Socialist Party and its legislative representatives, such as Wisconsin Congressman Victor Berger. But Roosevelt wanted a uniquely American fix. He proposed, for instance, that "the funds necessary to provide this insurance should be raised by contribution rather than by an increase in general taxation."

    That won over many Republicans. But conservative newspapers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce still screamed that demanding those contributions was unconstitutional and that Roosevelt was extending the role of government beyond appropriate limits.

    The president brought a mid western progressive, University of Wisconsin economist Edwin Witte, to Washington to develop the plan. By January 1935, Witte had a comprehensive plan for old-age insurance, services to people with disabilities, and help for homeless and neglected children.

    Conservatives screamed as Roosevelt cajoled Congress to enact the Social Security Act. They cried that the process was moving too quickly, that the legislation was too complex, that it would destroy private enterprise. But a Democratic House and Senate passed the bill and on Aug. 14, 1935, Roosevelt signed it. Conservatives filed lawsuits and promised to drive the Democrats from office and undo the Social Security Act.

    Instead, Roosevelt and the Democrats swept to landslide victories in 1936. By 1938, FDR's administration declared: "At the third-year milepost, the road back shows well over 30,000,000 men and women now building up insurance against want in their old age (and) about 2,350,000 of the needy receiving assistance in their own homes; and health and welfare services reaching out into all parts of the country."

    Today, Social Security is so integrated into the fabric of American life that even conservatives defend it, just as they one day will defend national health care. Notably, that health care program was first proposed not by Barack Obama or Bill Clinton but by FDR, who announced in 1939 that "a comprehensive health program (is) required as an essential link in our national defenses against individual and social insecurity."

    Roosevelt was proven right with regard to Social Security in his time.

    Roosevelt will be proven right with regard to national health care in our time.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sun, Apr 11, 2010, at 9:08 PM
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    Hey censored...once upon a time I was married and had kids and got laid off. yes I did get food stamps for a few months until I could get back on my feet. At the time I worked TWO jobs I was a divorced dad, my ex had residential custody so got all the welfare benefits even though I had my kids just as much as she did. I paid child support AND insurance...I had to have two jobs to pay the bills and make sure my kids had food and clothes. I wasn't eligible for any welfare so I worked 6-7 days a week and anywhere from 9 to 16 hours a day. I did that for over nearly two years until I found my current wife and we had two incomes without having to work all the hours. Now we just work to help pay for everybody elses welfare payments. Ohh but I forgot, it's PATRIOTIC

    to pay taxes to help pay for everyone else....pathitic is more like it.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sun, Apr 11, 2010, at 10:18 PM
  • Dear censored,twilcox1978 and Dave;

    I have greatly enjoyed your intellect and well thought out blogs. It's truly is a pleasure to have some of us engage in stimulating conversation, that doesn't rely on lies, and material from Glenn Beck or Bill O'Riley.

    I do however must tell you that you are wasting your time with the Moron-Squad. They are intreched in their far-far right "extremist" manifesto.

    Just take a look at the stimulating thought behind bazookaman's rants...I believe he is a blood relative of Ted Kaczynski.

    I was raised to believe in being objective and that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to polictics. I have never voted for a particular party, whether a candidate is Republican, Democrat or Independent means little...it's the character of a candidate not the ideology...however this does not apply to the far-far-far right as well as the far left.

    Centrism...a person who holds moderate views.. a moderate is an individual who is not extreme, partisan or radical. I believe most of us fall in-between these lines "main stream America"...notice Moron-Squad how I indicated main stream America to include this blogger.

    I have a name for my newest blogger friends..."Common-Sense Squad". I look forward in engaging in insightful conversation with you and like always, invite my friends, the Moron-Squad to clean up their act, and also engage in stimulating and well-thoughtout conversation like adults are supposted to do, then maybe, just maybe I will stop calling you the Moron-Squad and we can clean up this blog...but then again, where's the fun in that?

    I'm sure that bazookaman or "Ted" will probably write the newest "Mein Kampf" in response to my lastest blog. For god-sakes Ted, please formulate your thoughts in 5000 words or less...you lose me on word 50.

    Thanks again Common-Sense Squad, you have renewed my faith in our countrymen and woman, until of course when Ms Moron Squad Leader writes another extreme manifesto to stir up the natives.

    Here's a little political science 101;


    Traits of a "political extremist", ranging from behaviour like "a tendency to Character assassination" over hateful behaviour like "name calling and labeling" to general character traits like "a tendency to view opponents and critics as essentially evil", "a tendency to substitute intimidation for argument"

    Sound familiar Moron-Squad...

    -- Posted by DUMBFOUNDED IN IDAHO on Mon, Apr 12, 2010, at 12:11 AM
  • bazookman there's an old saying Don't count your chickens before their hatched ... You never know come November how the tide will turn. There's a lot of living to do before then. Remember you are living in a Republican state......... what about the many Democrats who will be counted on for their vote come election time....

    Republicans lost a lot of their members because of trust and they are going to have to do a lot to win people back. Not every body thinks like you and another thing why do Republicans have to be Bully's to get their message across ?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Apr 12, 2010, at 10:18 AM
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    Dumbfounded in Idaho: I realize that it is useless to talk or debate anything here. Even when you show them actual facts that prove them wrong they dismiss it as liberal conspiracy. As well as labeling everyone as commies/socialist that think differently than them, then toss out freedom of speech as their right as a way of legitimizing their opinions and dismissing others opinions. Trust me on this, I've been hounding them on and off for a year and a half now. Then they get up in arms when you call them out and call them names. But when they do the same thing and call Political Correctness evil it's okay for them. Screw it, I only come here now to fan their hateful, ignorance and get them going again with the hope that they may see their hypocracy. But so it goes, willful ignorance can not correct itself unless it really wants to. And these people don't want anything to do with reality or facts unless it's made-up of words from their media mouth.

    And Bazooka, none of the stuff in Smiths list was a direct result of capitalism. It was all won because of crazy leftist, unions, anarchist, socialist, commies, labor radicals, civil-rights activist, poor mom's and pops and immigrants who saw that the pure capitalist system of the times wasn't giving them the freedoms promised them by the constitution. If the Capitalist/Industrialist of that time period had, had their way everyone of us middle-class/poor class would still be living in shantytowns owned by the rich. We'd still be servants instead of citizens. And further over half of us citizens would not be alive today because we would have starved to death or dead because of poor living conditions. But you people want a free-market for capitalism, free of regulations and safe guards for us. You will send us back a hundred years into the past. And everything our poor immigrant relatives of the past fought for will have been in vain. Thank you for disgracing the freedoms won by my grand-parents and great-grand parents, you silly short-sighted conservative morons.

    Good censored Monday to you all.

    -- Posted by censored on Mon, Apr 12, 2010, at 10:46 AM
  • Hmm... I opened my eyes today and rode in the rain to class. Oh... but wait, the world was still there. It has not disintegrated into a scene like that off a Holywood movie like Book of Eli, Children of Men, or the Postman. For the past year, I have heard that govt. intervention will quickly and decisively lead to a state of chaos and repression. Now, I know certain individuals will practice typical evasion tactics. The point is that, this apocalyptic garbage is simple fear-mongering and I am quite fond of calling people on the carpet. And then laughing when they either stumble on their words or give me a bunch of rhetoric that has nothing to do with the point.

    I am not debating the right or wrong of these issues. I have done so ad nauseum already. I dont need to bore anyone any longer. By always packaging one's messages in Superlatives and doomsday theories, you are kind of begging for it.

    I am not in support of the recent health care but for different reasons than most. I dont have the time to spell out my issues with it. And those reading this probably dont need the sleep.....

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Mon, Apr 12, 2010, at 10:59 AM
  • I wasn't referring to laid off I was talking about you seem to be so certain Republicans will out vote the Democrats in the November election.

    It was reported today that Wall street took a big jump up and Elizabeth Taylor is not engaged for the 9th time. So the Taylor story was wrong when it was reported she was engaged. My point is how much of what we read or hear is actually the truth

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Apr 12, 2010, at 6:37 PM
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    But they take it straight from their MESSIAH....it isn't THEIR fault..it's the republicans fault....WHATEVER!!!!!!

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Apr 12, 2010, at 9:11 PM
  • Not to be rude, but this seems a bit redundant. I wont name names but this appears eerily reminiscent of the other hundreds of posts before it.

    Layoffs would have happened no matter who was in office. Repairing our image in the foreign policy was needed no matter who was elected. Now, I think that he could have chose a better way to do it but that is the past. Anyone who thinks that we should play schoolyard bully with the world and care not who we screw just needs to look at the British Empire from 1700 to 1947. Did not pay off for them did it?

    Finally, you cant honestly believe that there is not more to the story when it comes to Russia or Israel. Now, stubbornness aside I dont recall certain people in this blog being involved in those encounters. I may be mistaken but that tells me that they only know what the media lets them know. Hmmmm... so misinformation back at work again.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Tue, Apr 13, 2010, at 8:17 AM
  • Hmmm... I just love that you and many others think that because I am a college student that my professors endoctrinated me in this liberal, hippie, cant-see-the-forest-for-the-trees mind set. Well, one get over yourself. Two, I happen to be able to think for myself. Three, I taught myself to read and became an atheist at four years old when may I add that I was mostly deaf. So back off thinking you know jack about me. Economics is not politics. My area of focus is economics which is cold, rational, objective look at choices. So read that sentence again and tell me where there is any opinion or brainwashing.

    Next, fine you have experience but again were you there when Obama met Putin. Feel free to lie because I will never meet you nor anyone else on here but the odds that you sat at that table are rather abysmally small. So with that being known, you and I are just armchair observers a few thousand miles away.

    I dont pretend to know all the answers. Read my posts from the past and you should have no issues discerning that. I do call those on the carpet who pretend to know everything about those two nations. You may know more than I do but you dont know all so get off the high horse.

    Finally, I have many relatives who have spent decades in the military. They have been to every continent and most nations. They dont pretend to be privy to those conversations. Now they have their own feel for what's really going on. They also know that what we get from the media is not the full story. I would expect you of all people to know that but I guess some can be delusional.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Tue, Apr 13, 2010, at 9:28 AM
  • I did not think that this was needed but read carefully.

    I have been on here since about Dec. 2008. You have been largely nonexistent for the majority of that time or at least not on the various blogs that I have. The usual suspects who profess their all-knowing ways are the other regulars that need not be named. There are plenty of examples of their tired tirades. The usual routine is that they paint a doomsday picture and then put into their own words what they see on FOX. FOX is a media outlet which has a layer of subjectivity built into it as all know. Their highly opinionated but usually logically suspect arguments are what I respond to.

    I dont pretend to know all. I am aware that I get my information through subjective sources. When I see Obama and Putin having negotiations, I form opinions. Now in forming that opinion I know that there is more to the story than some lame brain commentator has to say. My opinions are not gospel. I dont come on here professing my expertise on this relationship simply because I watch FOX or whatever and now know the full story. Not quite. Again, the limited short sighted view that those individuals occasionally offer is the issue. Comprehend?

    Finally back to the topic. Socialism is not something that has defined criteria. We can debate it til the end of time (which probably will happen) but its quite subjective. The U.S. has been moving this way slowly and surely over time and so this just might be the threshold where it no longer is tolerable. A bit flawed but that is society.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Tue, Apr 13, 2010, at 1:01 PM
  • I like that story or example. Being an economist, I look at it a bit differently.

    Without boring the tears out of everyone. Socialist regimes essentially try to meet the needs of all. There exists no mechanism for predicting what each and every person will want and be willing to sacrifice for. In the end, the nation experiences shortages and surpluses of different products. That is natural. The difference being that the gaps are larger because socialist regimes depress demand and limit supply. The level at which they tax makes the gaps bigger or smaller. Decreased motivation exacerbates this. This is highly simplistic but this is currently the issue in France.

    I dont advocate socialism. Are national economies self-equilibrating? In modern times, no. But economies that are left to their own devices come closer than those that have govts. trying to steer the ship. Economies are naturally cyclical. Socialism attempts to minimize the ups and downs which sounds good. In the end, all known socialist regimes have issues with maintaining stability.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Tue, Apr 13, 2010, at 4:22 PM
  • Not to knitpick you but today's socialist leanings and Marx are not in the same vein. Marx was delusional but ever so misunderstood. Lenin and all the others that have supposedly carried his banner have really done him a disservice. Marx did not advocate government imposed methods nor autocratic leadership. Long story made short, the workers after having been marginalized for a number of years and rise up to take over the factors of production. Over time, the bourgeois (wealthy or owners of production) would give up the fight and everyone would be involved in ownership. The current situation as well as that in other countries has not followed that creed or idea in the least bit.

    The Federal Reserve does not just print money at their disposal like our buddy Ron Paul would tell the world. I could explain why he thinks that way but it would be long and probably bore everyone to tears.

    Finally, I may not have been to Russia but I can read national accounting numbers. They are being hit hard by the current recession. Furthermore, in terms of per capital GDP they have not broke the top 50 since the Soviet Union dissolved. An average Russian's purchasing power has been eroding steadily. I am not sure what that means in the big picture. Poverty has a way of rocking the boat.

    I point that no one was there in that room because if you have half a wit, you would know that there is so much more to the story than what one sees on camera. Those were not the only words spoke by Obama, Putin, or their respective aides/officials. We only see a snippet of the larger picture. I would like to think that I am smart enough to not get on my pulpit about this when all I know is a 30 second snippet that comes to me through the tainted, subjective lens of the news media. That snippet only represents 1% or less of the total communications those two men had. You should know that in national security affairs that the public only sees a very small part of it. In a chess game, one cant tell the opponent everything that is on your mind.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Wed, Apr 14, 2010, at 8:30 AM
  • I heard a statistic the other day on the news that 52% of young people actually prefer socialism. Technically, consititution never spells out a specific economy we are to have in the US, i.e. Capitalism, Socialism, communism. I am not arguing for any of these types of economies. Just remember: Majority rule, minority right. So long as constitional rights are not being violated this country can be as socialist as it would like....I think. lol

    -- Posted by yoB on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 12:15 AM
  • Socialism did not exist until the unveiling of Karl Marx's "Das Kapital" which was long before the Constitution was written.

    Now, if Marx's ideas would have existed at that time, I cant imagine them not having issues with it. This is just an educated guess but I cant see Jefferson agreeing with something that states that workers would rebel against the owners of production. Jefferson was a strong advocate of America being a network of small farming villages. He opposed industrialization and cities being anything more than small administrative enclaves. I wont go on anymore but economics are pretty much left out of the Constitution and other founding documents. The world was different though so it is reasonable to see why. The world was not better like a certain person would say. Slavery, oppression, and short, mostly miserable life spans were very common and so tells me that they were not perfect.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 9:35 AM
  • *


    This is for the Reagan fans and anti-tax people.

    This is capitalism.......


    Crap! I forgot to do a little name calling. Conservatives are poopheads. I don't like being pc when it comes to you guys, just doesn't seem right.

    And if Karl Marxs had been around to see lenin or stalin's form of communism he would have distanced himself entirely away from it and called them, traitors to the Revolution/s and the people. Just a theory...

    Dirty poopheads, the lot of ya.

    -- Posted by censored on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 10:14 AM
  • Good stuff, Censored. Lets hope that they dont take it too serious.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 12:32 PM
  • -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 2:03 PM
  • To the "common-sense" squad.

    There is a book that should be on your "must" read list. "The Wrecking Crew, How Conservatives Rule" from a Mr Thomas Frank, a former young Republic son of Kansas, America's heartland. Extremely good read. This book will clear up any questions about the hidden agenda of the far-right.

    I'd recommend this to our friends over at the moron-squad, but I'm not sure that they can read!

    Go Coffee Party!

    -- Posted by DUMBFOUNDED IN IDAHO on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 3:00 PM
  • Whether we are a democracy or a republic is actually a debate. We are not a true democracy, obviously. I believe it is a democratic-republic. We emcompass qualities of each.

    Junkyard dog: I am not at all saying that the constitution only applies to majorities. But the founding fathers meant for the gov't to be ruled by the people (indirectly). But how do the people ever make decisions? Through a majority vote from congress members, each of which are elected by a majority of the electorate. Tyranny of any majority? That is why I said Majority rule, Minority right. Even if you look back to the civil rights movement. Majority was against civil rights, but it was against minority right. Completely unconstitutional. I am just saying I do not think that if the majority of this country decided to have socialistic values, it doesn't mean it would be tyranny.

    -- Posted by yoB on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, at 9:23 PM
  • "I am just saying I do not think that if the majority of this country decided to have socialistic values, it doesn't mean it would be tyranny.

    -- Posted by yoB"

    Well said. I dont agree with Socialism but if the majority of Americans did in fact opt for a socialistic approach then the tyrannical scenario that some here go on about falls apart. It can only be tyranny if the majority are being oppressed by a minority.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Fri, Apr 16, 2010, at 8:28 AM
  • *

    Sooo if everybody goes along with drinking the kool-aid???

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Apr 16, 2010, at 9:43 PM
  • *

    Stupidity in mass numbers is still stupidity

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Apr 16, 2010, at 9:44 PM
  • did you not read the post made by YOB. Not to be antagonistic but are you wanting a confrontation or debate just for the sake of it. It was not that hard to understand. It was quite benign.

    Here is an example to counter you. Norway is completely socialist. So according to your logic, this has to be tyranny. Oh, but wait they have never revolted in any way. This socialist regime was not one established by force so where is the oppression, slavery, or tyranny in that.

    BTW: About China, is there really anybody that does not see through the smoke screen. 99% of most people above an IQ of 70 knows that China is anything but a republic.

    I am not a socialist but I find it humorous that some on here get on their pulpit to slam it but know next to nothing about it. Oh well, that is life.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Sun, Apr 18, 2010, at 3:17 PM
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