Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

MIA-missing inactive

Posted Friday, December 18, 2009, at 9:15 AM
View 11 comments
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  • Kim---I have missed you. I thought that they mave have taken you to GITMO for your "Un-American/non-traditional" ways of thinking. I brought up the chips and national ID's again because I just saw a story in the paper (USA Today) on this.

    No chip for me thanks. If they cannot find me by my cell phone GPS...I probably do not want to be tracked much less located. This country is really something. 2010 should be a real hoot!

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Fri, Dec 18, 2009, at 1:33 PM
  • As for the upcoming census, it comes down to what people expect out of govt. institutions. This invasive but additional information is part of what society claims that govt. is not doing. I, for one, believe in taking care of yourself and not relying on society to prop one up. I am the minority or at least it feels that way sometimes.

    To be a bit more clear, people want planning and zoning to better gauge certain characteristics. The best source for the demographics of society is the Census. Having been the slave to research many times, I find it to be the end-all for alot of topics. Next, police rely on the census to set boundaries and other administrative decisions. There obviously is a bit more to that equation but society asks for better performance of certain state/federal agencies. Better performance relies on better information. Better information can be invasive. America has this very individualistic nature to it so inevitably this is a debate that may never end.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Sat, Dec 19, 2009, at 12:11 AM
  • LOVE the "democracy" of this administration (for lack of a better word). Love closed door meetings where only Dems are allowed/invited.

    As for telling the IRS what guns I own...it will be a cold day. That has NOTHING to do with income/taxes or income tax (unless of course you are an arms dealer in the Obama admin.).

    Census. All they need to know is how many people live in our house. All the rest is more Government control and fluff so that they cn use it against us down the road.

    We have a lot of taxation without representation going on and it is NOT all reserved for DC. I cannot wait to see what I have to pay this year as a result of all the stimulus garbage. This should be fun!!!

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sat, Dec 19, 2009, at 4:43 PM
  • Luckily, I have managed to evade the officials who wish to gag the writing abilities of us EXers. Of course, we know that if things get really bad, I will be on a list with many others who will have to decide whether or not speaking truth is worth being arrested for. I would be prepared for that. My anger and outrage over the terror prisioners being brought to our homeland to be tried in a "civil" court is beyond belief. How could we allow this to happen? This is a serious miscarriage of justice to the Nth degree.

    Taxation without representation was the very motto that started our free nation. If every person who opposes the current Congress and the lack of representation would band together and refuse to pay taxes it would bring the gov't to a standstill. Without our taxes, they can't keep spending. And there aren't enough cellblocks to hold us all for tax evasion. The court system wouldn't be able to put us on trial for years. It doesn't work if only a few take a stand. It would only work if a real number do it and do it loudly so that the whole country hears about it.

    I don't mind letting the Census people know the basics. I am one of the offices that relies on Census numbers for many reasons. Anyone who wants to get a business loan to start a business would also need current numbers for the area that they wish to serve and use those numbers and details in their business plans. There is no argument from me that the Census is very important. However, going beyond the basic information would become an invasion of my privacy. I won't answer those questions and if they don't like it, arrest me.

    Income tax forms will not be used to register or inventory my household guns. Again, they can arrest me.

    There are certain reasons that I would gladly go to jail in order to stand firm on my political and moral beliefs. There are times when we must take a stand and the time is coming pretty darn soon.

    Love you all! Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! May the blessings of God always be evident in your life. I pray for the wisdom of the people and the fortitude to stand.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Mon, Dec 21, 2009, at 6:44 AM
  • For those of you who haven't seen the 2010 census form Here you go >>


    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Dec 21, 2009, at 9:44 AM
  • refusing to pay taxes would be a first step. I believe that a broader measure is needed. Something such as a complete shutdown of all productive enterprise such as what Gandhi led in India. That instant, quantifiable drop in revenues and influence crippled that economy. Yes, I know that our economy is suffering but I have to say that most able-bodied people lead pretty good lives. They may not have big screen TVs but their basic needs are meet.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Mon, Dec 21, 2009, at 11:16 AM
  • *

    Apparently there are still two sets of rules..Those that govern YOU and those that congress gets to manipulate for their own good. Bazooka, if you were a congressman and I, as a lobbyist, promised to pay millions of dollars to your district in return for your vote, we both would be going ot jail. This is ridiculous to sit here and watch the "Party of CHANGE", the party that promised during the campaign to be the most transparent administration EVER, to lie, cheat scheme and steal to get their way. Someone tell me how long it will take to repair all the damage done in the past 11 months....YES 11 MONTHS....WHO's GONNA PAY? I know..WE are..democrat, republican, tea part, independant alike will all pay. So much for stimulating the economy. The only places hiring are banks to pay people to nail foreclosure papers notices to your door.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Tue, Dec 22, 2009, at 8:10 AM
  • junkyard dod and bazookaman,

    here is the skinny on the IRS gun registrating bit, snopes says it is false.


    truth or fiction website also says it is fiction as well


    However it pans out, I personally will not be telling anyone what I have or don't have.

    -- Posted by mntpockets on Tue, Dec 22, 2009, at 5:25 PM
  • I was reading an interesting article on the 16th admendmnet found at this site:


    It explains the government's "power" to tax income as an excise tax based on a privilege tax only know to the goverment.

    I found it interesting the last pargraph of the article states,

    "Since the Sixteenth Amendment is not the source of the federal government's power to impose income taxes and did not authorize any new type of tax, those groups and individuals who claim the Amendment was not properly ratified are beating a dead horse. Producing historical documents that show the Sixteenth Amendment was not properly ratified 91 years ago simply proves that politicians in 1913 were as corrupt as the scoundrels we have in office today."

    which we all know anyway.

    -- Posted by mntpockets on Wed, Dec 23, 2009, at 11:03 AM
  • I guess you can say I am a bit of a believer in conspiracy theories. I feel as though world leaders like President Obama receive a lot more info on issues like global climate change than we local folks ever will. If he seems worried, that makes me a little worried. I would not say I am shaking with fear, but I do think that it may actually effect future generations in a big way. Even if Al Gore is wrong and "global warming" isn't real, why shouldn't we care about living better by being smarter and recycling and trying our best to lower our impact on the planet.

    -- Posted by Shells on Tue, Jan 12, 2010, at 12:40 PM
  • My last post was in reference to Bazookaman's post on 18 Dec 09 BTW.

    Also, I am proud to be a supporter of President Obama (in case you were wondering) but it doesn't mean I agree with every decision he makes.

    Last but not least, if you verbally attack me for my post, i won't read it -- so don't bother. ;)

    -- Posted by Shells on Tue, Jan 12, 2010, at 12:52 PM
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