Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

Obama will hand America off to UN

Posted Saturday, October 24, 2009, at 9:26 AM
View 8 comments
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  • http://www.infowars.com/enslavement-by-a-new-copenhagen-protocol-to-the-climate-...

    Climate change has nothing to do with the negotiations or the meetings, or the treaties. It never has. Climate change is simply an excuse to construct a monstrous international bureaucracy that meets many times each year in exotic venues around the world. Billions of dollars flow into and out of the climate change industry. No one involved in the climate change business wants to hear anything other than a new horror story to put the fear of catastrophe into appropriators.

    Dissent is worse than a dirty word at these U.N. meetings. The actual meetings where negotiations occur are closed. Mercy be unto anyone caught with a tape recorder or video camera in an area other than a lobby of cafeteria, or when accompanied by a U.N. staff member. Literature may not be distributed unless first approved by the U.N. staff. In fact, ordinary people cannot even get into one of these meetings. Only official delegates of a government, approved representatives of accredited NGOs, or approved press professionals can register.

    Watch the momentum mount as the December meeting draws closer. Ice caps will melt faster, oceans will rise higher, droughts will be more severe, snow falls will be deeper, ice storms will be slicker, crops will fail more often, men will become impotent, and African pygmies will be recruited by the Boston Celtics -- all because of climate change -- with the only cure being enslavement by a new Copenhagen Protocol to the Climate Change Treaty.


    -- Posted by paulrevere101 on Sat, Oct 24, 2009, at 12:41 PM
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    Pygmies on the Boston Celtics! Ye gods!

    -- Posted by censored on Sat, Oct 24, 2009, at 4:43 PM
  • we,ve all seen this comming for many years now, and it won,t be stopped.

    -- Posted by tolkien on Sat, Oct 24, 2009, at 6:29 PM
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    But your forgetting about the pygmies playing sports. The UN is going to need to come up with new regulation heights for the hoops. Jinxies!

    PaulRever101 said it was going to happen.

    And YouTube sends out the secrets found in the underground.

    It's fantasyland,.....

    -- Posted by censored on Sat, Oct 24, 2009, at 9:52 PM
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    Copenhagen Climate Council homepage:


    Info re: Copenhagen Climate Council:


    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Sun, Oct 25, 2009, at 9:29 AM
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    Okay, I have to be the naysayer again. But back in the 90's I read this book that has all these scenarios listed specifically in it's narrative. And it was a work of fiction, like not real. But for the life of me I cannot remember the name of the book or the author. I do remember that it was written for the christian crowd. And like most of these works of fiction that involve conspiracies involving the end of the world the paranoid latched onto it and present it as reality. I hate to say it but this belief in the NWO is fiction. Fiction, fiction, fiction,.....

    Like the argument I had with cantjustwatch, in which she/he was spreading the myth that there are more people of color in prison then there are white people. It is a myth,...

    Heightened Suggestibility works into all of this.

    -- Posted by censored on Sun, Oct 25, 2009, at 9:44 AM
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    In all the governmental speak that is in the Framework Convention on Climate Change document, much of the document addresses intergovernmental cooperation. The document recognizes the sovereignty of nations, and offers a framework for nations to collaborate and help each other address emissions.

    As far as helping third world countries decrease their emissions, I'm not in favor of an unrestricted river of cash flowing freely to these nations. I am in favor of technology being transferred cooperatively between nations. I suspect we have sold weapons to nations that, under the framework that Lord Monckton criticizes in the YouTube clip, would also benefit from technoligies that would enable them to be partners with the rest of the nations subscribing to the framework.

    Many of those third world nations that may benefit from the Framework may also have been part of the British Empire.

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Sun, Oct 25, 2009, at 10:28 AM
  • I can spend a lifetime coming up with reasons why my dreams were crushed or what society has done to me or make a list of all who are directly responsible for robbing me of my rightful success. I could play the "What if" game and run myself in circles, getting nowhere but I could blame that on someone too. It's not my fault! I could have made a million. I could have gotten a higher paying job. I could have acheived more but "The Man" has kept me opressed! Or maybe it was my parents fault that I didn't get the proper education. No, actually it's society! Nah, it is my first husband's fault, he certainly oppressed me! I could go on forever finding clear evidence that someone is to blame for my short-comings. Becoming an adult and grasping the responsibiliity of that maturity requires that I examine my own life and the choices that I made. Therein lies the truth of who is to blame. ME! It is my fault if my reactions to the negative bumps in my highway of life were not positive. I made the choices that brought me here. I can choose to drown in the negativity pool while the itty bitty sh--ty committee plays soulful tunes in my ear OR I can accept that I am at fault and change it. And for every obstacle placed in my way, I can face it with strength and calm resolve or I can let it block me forever-more at a standstill. There will always be something that gets in your way and there are always reasons to believe that it's not your fault, but there are always choices to be made and ways to proceed. It is my decision if I embrace the death of standing still or see that my future waits for me to take action. (Time: 8:29am-at home)

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Tue, Oct 27, 2009, at 8:29 AM
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