Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

Bail! This ship is sinking!

Posted Sunday, August 23, 2009, at 9:35 AM
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  • Point taken! I think it is pretty ironic that he wants anything honest. He has been caught lying so many times that we would be stupid to believe anything. I heard some sound bites of him about the single-payer insurance. In 2003, I heard him yell that he didn't support it. In 2005, he stated that it would be extrememly hard to get this type of healthcare but he thought that over time it could be done, and the last recording was this year stating that he did support it. My goss, does he not know that all of his speeches are recorded? This has happened so many times, lies and retracting and more lies. There is no Honesty with him.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Sun, Aug 23, 2009, at 9:56 AM
  • *

    Hmmm..honesty in government? WHat a fantastic concept. Too bad it won't happen anytime soon. Sitting here watching Fox News this morning and seeing where the white house released new deficit numbers LATE on Friday so they wouldn't be picked up by the news until after the weekend. The numbers had been understated by 2 BILLION DOLLARS!! Now we are in the hole 9 billion bucks. Now Obama is making deals in congress to get Obama Care passed. The only way to pay for all this "FREE" healthcare is to tax the working class. Soooyou lose your insurance through your employer, have to get "FREE" healthcare that you will pay for by losing more of your pay to taxes.

    To top it off looks like Obama and his thugs are trying to get rid of all the money sucking leaches going through the VA for health care. Apparently a pamphlet released during the Bush administration (which was pulled later becasue of content) is being pushed onto vets by Obama. It details what you should do with your life if it isn't worth living anymore. Once again Obama is looking to trim down the population that is getting free healthcare so he can help pay for the free healthcare HE proposes. Does any of this make sense?? You eliminate those who are still paying taxes and who have served this country so you don't have to pay for their healthcare. In turn you pay for healthcare for people that aren't paying taxes and have been leaching of the tax payers for years??

    So Mike , have you gotten your reading material in the mail from the Messiah??

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Aug 24, 2009, at 8:51 AM
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    And to top it all off the top general tells us that there is absolutely NOT ENOUGH troops in country to win the war in Afghanistan. We need to be out of Iraq NOW and Afghanistan as quick as the transports can load 'em. Let the idiots shoot it out amongst themselves and see what turns up. Fortify OUR borders to keep another 9/11 from happening and send the black ops units to take care of the ones we can find threatening us.

    Will it happen...HELL NO...Obama no has no more guts than Clinton did to take care of terrorists. How many stories will we see in the future where Obama was given a chance to save lives and took NO action. Much easier to go after our own people..steal their money and imprison those who were trying to make this country safe.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Tue, Aug 25, 2009, at 12:58 AM
  • Okay folks. OM has been banned from making comments on this site. Just wanted you all to know that all of her comments have been removed and she is banished. Be careful. Any of you could be next.

    -- Posted by flowerpower1 on Tue, Aug 25, 2009, at 12:19 PM
  • I am not sure what happened or why. However, OM was taken off, banned and then re-instated! Yeah!

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Tue, Aug 25, 2009, at 8:45 PM
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