Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

My Movie premieres at the Egyptian

Posted Thursday, August 20, 2009, at 9:07 AM
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  • Not in my hands. After festival, it goes to other festivals and if it wins recognition, it will be picked up and marketed. I have never heard of the local cinema agreeing to show an independent film here. I would love to see it here. Besides, Boise is not in Tim-buck-2!

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 10:30 AM
  • Oh my gosh! I know Annie and Cass. Who knew? Watched the clips...LOVE IT. Annie Cosho is a gifted attorney (Cass also) and they are both really fun and so smart. I bet it was pretty cool to work with all of these people. Good for you Kim. Cannot wait to see this one. Thanks! How funny. We need one on the WECRD now:)

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 11:24 AM
  • Annie was great fun! I love her! Andrew Ellis was a great director along with Will and Thomas who all helped make this a great film. The farm that we filmed at was the Ellis homestead so that made it really special. I got to pretend to arrest my film son and drive the Sheriff's car. I was very blessed!

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 12:21 PM
  • Sounds very cool! Great job Kim.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 1:04 PM
  • Gee, maybe your next film can be about a hypocrite blogger who rants and raves about the evil expansion of the federal government while taking National Endowment of the Arts money funnelled through her state's arts commission to make a film.

    You could call it "The True-to-life Adventures of Kim Kovac."

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 2:03 PM
  • Excuse me, Ex! I was an actress on the film. What is your problem? I didn't take a darn dime from any arts commission. But if I had that wouldn't make me a hypocrite! It was not stimulus money or any money from the current criminals in office! What a mean-spirited thing to say. The only evil around here is spewing venomous people like you.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 8:43 PM
  • Kim (or is that Ma Tucker?), pay him no mind. He needs a diaper change and a Dem took his blankie and baba. Ex is nothing more than a troll. If you do not feed him he will go back under his bridge or rock. He is just upset because you are a female and you make sense and the "change" he has been waiting for...well...is not going to come. People who fight what you write are just mad they were taken on the Obamanation Love Train (wreck).

    GREAT FILM CLIP!!! Will you please sign my movie poster?

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 8:54 PM
  • Hmmm, I see three questions here, so I'll post three times.

    As far as how change is working out for me, I could write a book on that, but it'd be outdated by the time I'd finish. So I'll focus on one item for now.

    The Obama administration is openly implementing timetables for withdrawal in Iraq, a strategy McCain, Romney and Huckabee all said would be a disaster.

    Instead, the U.S. troop casualty rate has fallen. In July it was down to the lowest level at any point in the war and may yet be lower still than that in August. http://www.icasualties.org/Iraq/USDeathB...

    If you hadn't taken your blog down, Bazooka Man, you could go back and double-check - a withdrawal from Iraq which minimized U.S. casualties was consistently a priority for me as a voter in November. I'd love to see it down to zero, but I'm not going to ignorantly belittle progress.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 12:54 AM
  • As far as "what my problem" is, Kim, my co-workers, employer and I all see more and more of our money - particularly the ones with families - going to private insurance companies (we've switched at least once) to pay for health care services they may very well try to weasel out of covering if the time comes due - "pre-existing conditions" and all. We finally get a government that MIGHT do something about it and obstructionists start throwing hissy fits, trying to sabotage ANY plan not built on completely trusting the private-sector jerks already skimming heavily from my paycheck - and again, my coworkers who are trying to live out that other American dream, the one of having a spouse and kids, have been getting hit even worse than I am.

    So when I stop by to visit you and your fan club, and you're yet again belittling government programs and spending, usually through heavy use of distortions and inaccuracies - both you personally and your buddies whose dishonesty you never seem to call out as "mean-spirited" or "venomous," and then you post that you're in a film that, in your own words, "was produced with generous support from the Idaho Arts Commission," whose own Web site says is funded by the National Endowment of the Arts, I think, well, if the U.S. government can provide grant money so Kovac gets to be in a movie effectively, they can probably manage AT THE VERY LEAST better oversight of health insurance practices.

    And yes, I still think you're a hypocrite.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 1:38 AM
  • Before I answer the last question, about Specter, let me point something else out, particularly to OpinionMissy.

    When I pick up the habit of posting here, I've never hestitated to tell Bazooka Man what I thought of his claims and conspiracy theories and failure to understand U.S. and world history, and I seem to recall calling Kim's husband a liar back a few months ago - right after he lied. And, of course, they're both men. So when you say, OpinionMissy, that I'm "just upset because you (Kim Kovac) are a female" - understand that your hateful accusation that I'm a bigot is transparently false, and just more evidence that YOU, OpinionMissy, usually prefer to "debate" with baseless name-calling rather than facts and evidence.

    Now, as for Snarlin' Arlen, I was all set to change my Democratic Party registration and go back to a third party, possibly the Working Families Party this time, or maybe even become a Republican if they had a candidate useful for repudiating the regulation-haters, when he flipped sides. Now I'll stay a Democrat so I can vote against him and for either Sestak or Kortz in the primary. If Specter somehow gets the nomination, I won't vote for him. I'll cast a write-in vote for Marakay Rogers again if I have to.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 1:57 AM
  • Thank you, Missy for defending me. Apparently, others haven't seen the attack. It was great to see your comment.

    EX: I was given a part in an independent film. I went and had a great time doing a movie for a couple of weeks and went back to my normal life. How they got funded was unknown to me. When the producers sent me an email about the premiere, they listed all of us actors and put that comment in the last part of it. How they got their money to do this film, in the beginning was all private and it was not known to any of us that they would get alittle help. Idaho has been begging for people to come make movies here in Idaho. They have money to help make a film here because it helps the people of Idaho. (it ain't much either!) Just like the "Made in Idaho" campaign! So I am proud of the fact that I was part of a good film showing my state. The other stuff that Ex is complaining about doesn't have a d*** thing to do with this. If you want to talk about healthcare and the criminal acts of this administration, you can address one of my other blogs.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 7:29 AM
  • So Ex, does you calling names make you a hypocrite or not really? Just wondering. See, you are "guilty" of the very same acts you have accused Kim of---we all are. Each and every one of us is probably involved with some program that gets government money because THEY ALL DO! If you have a child in school, you use government money. If you drive state roads, you use government money. If you were a first time home buyer recently, you used government money. If you eat meat, the USDA is government funded. If you have to take meds, the FDA is government funded. If you have an older spouse, parent, grandparent or disabled child, you use government money through SSI, medicaid or medicare or any number of subsidized RX programs. How about WIC? Drink milk or eat any dairy products? Government funded. Buy a new car under "cash for clunkers?" Used government money! Drive a car---ANY car? Pretty much used government money. Fly on a plane? Government money. Put fuel in your car? Government money. Use a YMCA or gym? Government money. Government employee? Government money. Wear or buy clothes? Government money. There is no escape from it.

    And when I say "government" money I guess I should clarify that because OUR government really has no money. They live off of us, the middle class. They use OUR money to fund anything and everything under the sun on our soil and many other places regardless of what WE, the taxpayers say or want. So, the way I see it is this. Kim, you acted in a movie and you and Ken, since you both work and have worked and will continue to work (or at least we will hope anyway), financed your own part in that movie because you have paid and will continue to pay taxes, taxes and more taxes. So, for all of your years of hard work, you had 2-3 weeks to act in a movie...which you and Ken, in part, paid for! I fail to see Ex's point. In your own words Ex..."HYPOCRITE!"

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 8:19 AM
  • I can appreciate you had a good experience, Kim, and am happy for you. I'll take your explanation you didn't know how it was funded up until now at face value, but I hope in the future you can acknowledge that a project you were involved in that you clearly enjoyed and consider a success was funded through federal and state arts subsidies. Maybe you'll even reconsider science grants and speak out the next time Bazooka Man goes on one of his tirades about those.

    I've told you about my co-workers, let me also tell you about some friends. They work with local arts councils in my state and have had to fight the conservative movement tooth and nail for grant funding, one went to the U.S. House to lobby for funding for an event with a proven track record only to have the rug yanked out from under her by our own Republican congressman. I hope this anecdote is topical enough for you, along with the in-your-view off-topic anecdotes about how private-sector insurers price-gouge, in explaining why knee-jerk "free markets are good, government programs are bad" rhetoric gets under my skin.

    And as far as talking about health care and your allegations of "criminal" acts by the Obama administration on one of your other blogs, I'll take it under advisement, but I'd rather talk about the price-gouging, shady practices, and lack of transparency in the private sector and in all the hundreds of words on health care you've written, you just can't seem to really work your way around to that topic.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 8:51 AM
  • I don't even know how many times by now, OpinionMissy, I've posted in SUPPORT of government spending and government programs, but I know it is a lot. So how exactly does me benefitting from some of them make me a hypocrite?

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 9:01 AM
  • You know, OpinionMissy, that list of yours, on second look, is really something else.

    "If you eat meat, the USDA is government funded. If you have to take meds, the FDA is government funded."

    Yes, because back when we trusted the private-sector they sold us bad meat and a syrup that mixed alcohol and opium as medicine.

    "If you have an older spouse, parent, grandparent or disabled child, you use government money through SSI, medicaid or medicare or any number of subsidized RX programs."

    Yes, because we waited and waited for the private-sector to pay high enough wages to the middle-class so they could have financial security, and finally FDR and LBJ - who in many other regards was a failure - stood up for the middle-class. And they both got called socialists for their troubles.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 9:17 AM
  • Missy, your comment was spot-on! It is exactly right. I appreciate the clarity you used when calling us all hypocrits. I will state this-I wouldn't benefit from the newly passed crap such as CASH FOR CLUNKERS. I couldn't with good conscience take money from the govt. In the past, when I found out that a private company supported and gave money to a cause or organization that I strongly opposed, I would stop buying their products. If I knew that child labor was responsible for a clothing line, I never bought it. It would be impossible to know how every business handles it's money, but I try to be informed before buying something. Companies survive as long as there are buyers. That goes for insurance companies as well. If they have a bad product, sooner or later, the free choices of the people will cause them to change their business practices or go bankrupt. At least that is how it is supposed to work. However, instead, you get a President who bails them out so they can continue to rob us all. Good companies will survive in a free world but with govt trying to take over the private industry, it seems good companies will go away.

    We all benefit from the government in the past. My main concerns and complaints have been with the current direction of our gov't. I have always been worried about the increasing involvement of the gov't in our lives. there's no way to get away from it.

    Now to say my piece on Ex's comment about "private-sector insurers prices." I have never said that I support the inflated prices of the private sector. One of the reasons that prices in the medical field have risen is directly due to the over abundance of lawsuits. Sue-happy people and their shark-attorneys can be given some of the blame. Doctors have had to pay for mal-practice insurance and many have quit their field such as OB, due to the high rate of being sued. So the judicial system that continues to carry-out the most ridiculous lawsuits; lawyers who make a large income from those cases and the money-hungry greedy people who sue for the slightest stupid reason are all partially to blame for the rising cost of everything! Can I do anything about that? There is power in numbers and I am but a small blur on this earth.

    However, there are things that I can do. Regarding private business, as stated above, if I don't approve of their prices or practices, then I don't buy from them. In the case of insurance, where the company you work for pays a portion or all of your premium, I have never said that it is a perfect system, nor have I stated that it is always the best. I am just as concerned about the inflated charges. If you want to be covered by the companies insurance, then you have to take what they offer or opt out. We are free to decide to pay for our own. Or we can cross our fingers and risk not having insurance. No insurance doesn't mean that you will be turned away when an emergency occurs. We will get treated just like everyone is treated whether a citizen or an illegal. The problem with nationalized healthcare is that it will bankrupt all private sector companies forcing all of us to be covered by the govt plan. Freedom of choice is off the table and you get the care that the govt deems necessary. Once this bill passes, no matter how much we wish to think its not true, we can never go back. History has shown that!

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 10:35 AM
  • Ex...the same way it made Kim a "hypocrite." You cannot have it both ways.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 5:32 PM
  • "Private-sector insurers" charge what they do because the government has ALLOWED it and the insurance industry gives our government big bucks each and every year to continue down the path they are on. Obama sits there and says that it all must end. Well...just like the oil industry...insurance companies are also in bed with the boys and girls in DC. The fish stinks from the head down!

    Kim, great posts. You are a smart lady. Keep up the good work. Bazooka, always a pleasure my friend. Take care. Oh, I saw your car with fins out on 18th on Thursday. I would love to get a ride in it one day.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 5:37 PM
  • OpinionMissy, HOW am I "trying to have it both ways?"

    I favor high tariffs and higher taxes on unearned income to support extensive govt. spending, including heavy regulation of the private sector. I DO NOT insinuate that the government can "never" provide a service as well as the private sector or that government expansion is a conspiracy to move America closer to Nazism or socialism or that the regulations that have lead America to be the greatest country on Earth are a "burden" on businesses.

    I've consistently voiced appreciation and support for grant funding for the arts and for other fields.

    So again, how am I a hypocrite for benefitting from government spending that I DON'T ridicule or mock and am generally supportive of?

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 8:28 PM
  • "The problem with nationalized healthcare is that it will bankrupt all private sector companies forcing all of us to be covered by the govt plan."

    This is not truth. This is not fact. This is speculation, speculation which relies on an always-unspoken element: If the public option drives any private insurers out of business it ONLY will be because those private insurers were unwilling to reduce prices and better demonstrate a commitment to service.

    Which is why the traitors have once again dredged up the same "they're socialists" garbage they tried to use to block civil rights in the '60s and Social Security in the '30s. Because their goal is to transfer as much wealth from Americans who work to "financiers," "investors," and other money-lenders as possible. It's why when GM and Chrysler collapsed conservatives tried to destroy a contract and shove wage-cuts down factory workers' throats - but Newt Gingrich and Larry Kudlow were right there to moan and whine when the CREDITORS were expected to make sacrifices. It's why, when they had the White House and both houses of congress for five of the past eight years they repeatedly tried to severely cut and at times ELIMINATE taxes on heiresses and lenders but left payroll tax cuts off the table. It's why some nepotist bean-counter like Mitt Romney can get up at the GOP convention and call America's teachers, librarians, police, EMTs and firefighters selfish gluttons for expecting decent pay. It's why they fight the Employee Free Choice Act - if it was really about the "sanctity of the private ballot to unionize" then why not make trade deals contigent on the foreign nation respecting such a right to a secret ballot? Why not require companies applying for federal contracts to demonstrate they are upholding their workers' rights to secret ballots for unionizing? Because, as the conservative opposition to a version of EFCA without the card-check provision shows, the bottom line is its about taking from Americans who work so Americans who "own" or "invest" don't have to.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 9:20 PM
  • All of this health care reform is a bunch of garbage and nothing will ever come of it. Insurance companies and the insurance industry pump way too much money into DC to be "regulated." This is a smoke screen to take our minds off the fact that unemployment is up again and Obama is once again over spending. It takes the people's minds off of the real problems in this nation. When oil is regulated---insurance will be which means when heck freezes over. They all sleep in the same bed. Nothing about that will change.

    Ex, as for all of your government spending and "support" of government programs how about if OUR government cuts some of these programs...aka dead weight...and starts to live within their means? Generation after generation of people on welfare and food stamps is NOT the solution. People need to be motivated to help themselves and all of this welfare is a big waste. Why reward people for a lifetime spent on their backs, breeding? It is a pretty sick concept. Reward the working class for a change as opposed to the lazy.

    Just saw again where student loans will be reduced by up to 75% and grants will become a thing of the past...unless you have 12 kids and have never worked a day in your life. Pretty sad. Higher education will soon be only for the rich...or the kids of the people in DC who "run" things. Makes me want to puke. Yep, change I believe in.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sat, Aug 22, 2009, at 1:11 AM
  • Uuuummm, back to the original topic.

    Kim, congrats on your movie premier. Maybe I'll check it out. Gosh, I haven't been to the Egyptian/Ada theater in a bunch of years. In fact I believe that the last movie that I saw in that theater was 'A Star is Born' with my girlfriend. NOoooooo, not the 1937 nor the 1954 version, but the remake in 1976 with Barbra Streisand (BS), & Kris Kristofferson.

    Shissssh! That same girlfriend is sleeping now.

    Will there be a red carpet type thing at this premier? If so, may I humbly suggest that instead of tux's & gowns you go with bib overhauls and straw hats.

    -- Posted by Beau on Sun, Aug 23, 2009, at 3:08 AM
  • Thanks, beau for getting back to the subject. I almost forgot what the original post was about. I love the idea of going to the premiere in character. I will wear my hat and jeans. Should be a blast!

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Sun, Aug 23, 2009, at 9:41 AM
  • *

    Umm...Intern, isn't speculation what drives gas prices as well? And where are the overpriced gas producers losing revenue and going out of business? Just a thought.

    Congrats on the movie Kim!!

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Tue, Aug 25, 2009, at 1:09 AM
  • -- Posted by DaveThompson on Fri, Aug 28, 2009, at 10:32 PM
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