Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

Flag me! Go ahead!

Posted Thursday, August 6, 2009, at 10:52 PM
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    I plan on turning myself in tomorrow. I'm gonna write my own letter to the white house and tell them how I feel about Obamanomics and the Obama healthcare plan. Who knows how long it will take for them to come get me but I wish you all well...lol.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Aug 7, 2009, at 1:24 AM
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    Listening to Beck today I heard an interesting thought. Everything the white house recieves has to be logged in and kept until armaggedon, thank Nixon for that. It is illegal for the white house to destroy any sort of electronic communication just in case a president needs to be impeached at a later date. But on the other hand it is against the constitution to abridge free speech and keeping said communications for the purpose of shutting someone up is against the law. Be interesting to see how the new supreme court justice votes on this tidbit.

    One gentleman on Hannity said he was going to email the white house a document that was puproted to be the truth about the healthcare plan but is in fact a bunch of lies. He said he was going to attach the House version of the healthcare plan to the email and send it back to the white house. Good idea....wpnder how long the server will last if we ALL did that?

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Aug 7, 2009, at 1:30 AM
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    LOL...watching the news this morning. Watching as people are starting to stand up for themselves and watching as the liberals start to get a bit flustered now that the protests are being leveled at THEM. Watching them retaliate against their very own constiuents...the ones who voted for them. Now we are bing called radicals. We are being told this is all "manufactured", "astroturf". What crap that is. Where was the same outrage against the protests when it was in their favor? Code Pink, NOW, the numerous war protest groups, Cindy Sheehan? No No, these were all concerned citizens with something legitimate to protest. They weren't LEFT WING EXTREMIST protestors.

    From phone calls to your legislator, to the Tea Parties, voicing your opinion in a town hall meeting, all of this is now apparently WRONG. Don't have a voice. Don't raise opposition to the status quo. Don't question the government for they are all knowing and here to help.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Aug 7, 2009, at 9:21 AM
  • Okay. We had better keep a person on the outside so that someone can sneak us the file (to saw our way out). I am sure we will all end up in Cuba in all of those empty, former terrorist camps...while "they" run free. America! Home of the free and land of the brave.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Fri, Aug 7, 2009, at 10:15 AM
  • This is really distressing. I also like the part where the government has to have our bank account numbers to make sure we pay our medical bills. That takes a lot of arrogance on their part. Wonder if we can have their account numbers and try to get some of our wasted tax dollars back. Who works for who?

    -- Posted by skeeter on Fri, Aug 7, 2009, at 1:50 PM
  • Sorry I missed it. Wonder if they are a bunch of racists for doing that?

    -- Posted by skeeter on Sat, Aug 8, 2009, at 8:40 AM
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    Obviously you knuckle heads didn't watch the whole video about the black conservative (not getting a beating by the white guy). To begin with the B. Conservative had started an argument with a Black Minister and was beginning to throttle the minister and the white guy pulled the B. Conservative off the minister. The white fella kept repeating "he was attacking a minister and I pulled him(the B. Conservative) off.(of the Minister)" But hey, if you guys wants to start violence over edited video that's your prerogative. But just realize that once again the conservatives will be to blame for the blood-shed.

    And the fact that the tea-party protesters couldn't get into the "town hall meeting" was do to the fact that the building had already filled too capacity(there are fire codes to follow) while the "tea protestor" were protesting, instead of being smart and getting in line so they could attend the meeting.

    You people want to start a revolt so badly that you'll believe anything to get it going. It's called spin/sensationalism. It is a tactic used by cowards to get common people riled up and fanatical enough to do the work that the cowards with ties and money are too afraid to do. And the fact that Glen Beck and those other cretins were mentioned in the above comments just proves my point. You people will end up jailed while the talking heads remain free because they weren't there man. And they are just entertainers, will be their defense and key to their freedom. But you and the rest of the malcontent conservative factions will rot in jail.

    Wake Up. Things are not as bad as the web makes them out to be.

    Go take a walk, talk to strangers on the street, the park, at the shopping centers. Things are pretty frigging normal and sane outside. It's inside(and on this contraption) that has lost all sense of reality.

    I'm going to the 3 islands crossing.

    Good luck with the revolt, 4 weeks from now is what I hear. tools,...

    -- Posted by censored on Sat, Aug 8, 2009, at 9:58 AM
  • The only difference between this and other administrations is that they chose to advertise it to the public. One can be assured that all leaders (president or not) have taken similar measures.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Sat, Aug 8, 2009, at 10:11 AM
  • How about sending our troops to war and then making them pay for their medical insurance and war related injuries? How about the dims wanting our bank account numbers? Talk about arrogance. I think our military health program will be done away with during this administration.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Sat, Aug 8, 2009, at 8:13 PM
  • my comments were about how other administrations have played this game that Kim detailed quite well. I had been confident that you could stay on topic but I was wrong again. I deliberately focused my comments on this and thought that I would be polite and not get off topic but oh well. This administration is not perfect and neither has any other in history. Nor will any to exist in the future hit every out of the park.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Sat, Aug 8, 2009, at 9:29 PM
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    Hey censored...SHADDUP....It's great to see you liberal idots defending the beatings of protestors, the denouncement by the government of protesting , the tattle tails ratting out subversives to the "Man", when for DECADES you and your ilk have done EXACTLY the same thing over and over. Gay rights, womens rights, civil liberties, bad wars, abortions, you name it you idiots have had a sign all painted up and marching up and down the street. Now that the shoe is on the other foot you are out telling people to shut up, to take what the government is giving you and like it...NOOO, BELIEVE IT!!!

    Censored, go dry up. For far to long conservatives, and I DON'T mean Republicans, have sat back and tried to co-exist with meatheads like you. Now we are tired of being tread on and are standing up for what we feel is right. Do you think EVERYONE of the people protesting at these town meetings are republican?...really?...in states where democrats have won for years? Nope..if you think that then you have proven everything said about you here. All these protesters are conservatives that have finally found a voice. These people are AMERICANS..democrat and republican alike who are fed up. Take a hint censored. You are slowly sinking into the minority in this country. Your Socialist ideals are losing traction and times are changing.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sat, Aug 8, 2009, at 10:43 PM
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    Defending the beatings of protesters? For one thing I do not tolerate violence unless it's in self defense. Two, it was one protester who instigated the fight with a minister and it was the white fella that tried to stop the fight. Beatings of protesters is when armies of cops come in riot gear and start cracking skulls even when there is no threat of violence from the protesters. What your talking about is a one on one brawl that a bystander tried to stop and got arrested for. So when the cops start tear gassing and busting the heads of the tea baggers then you can complain about protest beatings. Otherwise it's nothing but altercations between two individuals with others trying to stop the violence. You wouldn't know what large scale violence against peaceful protesters really is, because you have sat on your couch your whole life watching the action from the safety of your home. And since you've started the name calling (meat-head) you've sat at home like a coward.

    And again you people are not subversives, dissenter, radicals,...etc. Maybe liars, sensationalist, and over-reactionary tools, but not radicals. Radicals is a term used for people with greater wisdom and understanding of humanity and the lopsided nature of society. You "conservatives" are just simply violent beasts. Like rabid badgers on speed, everything you see and hear is hazy and seems to stink so you attack without really understanding. Just following the loud mouth rabies cells advice "that everything is out to destroy you", when in fact it's the rabies(Beck and such) that will destroy you.

    And again, I am not a liberal, or a socialist, but if it makes you feel better to label me as such then by all means. It's misinformation, but what the hell. I like meat head as well. How about insane christian bed wetter, that's fun. Or maybe caustic personality monkey, jerkinstine, low-brow grass eating swine, flippant sociopathic mail thief. Man-***** has a nice ring too it but not very original. This one works very well, retired air force pooch,...arff arff!

    Had a lovely day at the horse drowning event, hope you kids got out of the house and away from the computer, for a couple of hours at least.

    -- Posted by censored on Sun, Aug 9, 2009, at 11:06 AM
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    Umm, censored...you IDIOT..I was WORKING..you know..JOB..to support your president and all the spending he's done for the past 6 months. Nice of you to talk so badly about an event that no one told you to go to. That's called liberty and it's protected..well for now...by the constitution as well as the pursuit of happiness. I sit at this computer for MAYBE an hour a day when I get home from WORK. Along with WORK I'm a father and enjoy doing things OUTSIDE with my kids. I only come here because I enjoy seeing people being able to voice their opinion, also protected by the constitution. I enjoy reading Kim's blogs and responding to them, mostly in a positive manner. Then YOU come along, full of hate. If I turned around and started agreeing with you, you would change sides just to argue. Although I think you lie when you say you aren't a liberal, because you are, I do know what you ARE. You sir are a hypocrite. Now you come on here and make excuses for why it was ok for your side to protest and launch into a hate filled RANT, name calling people who are exercising their rights as AMERICANS. You are against conservative Americans voicing their opinions in the forums offered, unless it has a social agenda?

    Censored, why don't YOU show up to some of these meetings and start shouting down the protesters as your side is wont to do. Start calling people in these meetings some of the names you said on here. Don't call me coward then startt he name calling from the safety of your little room. Come on down and try it in person. You're liable to get knocked into the dirt. But it's ok...some cop will come along and arrest me for doing it..and I go away with a smile on my face. No worries, greater men than me have been jailed for a cause.

    Bazooka, on a lighter note, thanks for stoping in and chatting once in awhile...you are always welcome.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sun, Aug 9, 2009, at 4:30 PM
  • I steer away from this usual but certain individuals lack of class, logic, and rational thought is laughable. If they want to be taken serious, coming off as an illogical, irrational, grasping-at-straws, cant-back-it-up-with-facts type does not help your cause.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Mon, Aug 10, 2009, at 12:41 AM
  • Back to the topic, this game of office politics described above is old hat. It is politics that we are talking about. Every administration known to mankind has had petty squabbling. Scheming and being canniving are just part of the job description.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Wed, Aug 12, 2009, at 12:26 AM
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    Yeah, bouncer I was giving you some idea's for names to call me. Just for originality, instead of the old standbys like idiot, dumb@%%, socialist,...just trying to spice up your name calling. Because I care. And there was no hate in my comment, see your over reacting again. Like the confused always do. And when did I say it was okay for my side to protest and not yours? And further, shouting people down in town hall meetings is not protest or debate, it is called being a bully. But I guess that is how your T.V. personalities taught your side to handle things you can't comprehend. "Shouting people down and violence, is not protest it's fascism."

    And I'm sorry you didn't have the weekend off. Most decent employers allow for freedom on the Sat and Sunday. May be you should Unionize and fight for free-time on the weekends. My kid sure likes it when I'm around for those days.

    Wow and you've stooped to the level of threatening me physically. Sounds like you might already be a Union Thug or just an average violent criminal? My votes on the Violent Criminal end.

    (it's kind of funny that the leaders of the left and the right use the exact same propaganda to get people turning on each other. like doppelgangers in different clothes)

    Meaning that what the right is spreading about the left, is the same as what the left is saying about the right. such as, number 1) says, "Your a turd!", then number 2) says, "No! Your a Turd!"... (except for Number(1) seems to scream more then (2). do you follow? that's why I don't claim either side. wacky,.....

    It's like elementary school name calling with highschool gossip.

    -- Posted by censored on Thu, Aug 13, 2009, at 2:11 AM
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    Hmmm..shouting down someone at a town hall meeting is WRONG...tell that to all those that tried to shout down Palin and McCain during the election. WIT...that's right...they were LIBERALS voicing their opinion...protected by the constitution. Nice to know the constitution only works for the LEFT. If a RWE uses the same claim we are denounced as "Un-American".

    The writing is on the wall, censored, people like you are slowly sliding into the mniority and all you are doing now is poking a finger in the dike. Too bad the dike has a huge crack in it. But, alas, you are too steeped in your own rhetoric, in the lies told to you by your Messiah to see. Will be nice to see the reaction when the truth is told and your bunch is shown to be the kool-aid drinkers you are. Remember, 2 quarts waters, half cup sugar, add packet and stir.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Thu, Aug 13, 2009, at 10:32 AM
  • I heard this same sort of inflammatory, world-is-ending, emotionally charged, our-country-is-in-shambles talk during the 8 years of Bush. Well we are still here and the US is still intact. So obviously it was just water cooler talk after all.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Aug 13, 2009, at 6:54 PM
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    And again, shouting people down is not debating or protesting when your in a town hall meeting or any other public forum. Left or Right.

    Wow you guy's don't listen/read to well. He's not my Messiah, he's just another president. And I don't believe in conspiracy theories. You fellas are just falling for the same crap as the militia's did when Clinton got into office. "they're going to take our guns our freedom." So you fear-heads go out buy up all the ammo, guns and survival gear leaving the rest of us even headed gun owners with no bullets to target practice with, while you guys hide in your shelters waiting for the apocalypse. But I guess you greed-heads are contributing to the economy in-between the panic attacks. So, thanks.

    -- Posted by censored on Fri, Aug 14, 2009, at 7:46 PM
  • What makes your ship-is-sinking, end-of-civilization tirades any more credible than all of the other that have polluted our ears since the time of Julius Caesar? Trying to convince me with an emotionally-charged, I-have-not-been-there-but-you-have monologue does not work on me.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Sat, Aug 15, 2009, at 1:57 AM
  • Besides few Americans can handle hard truth. Politicians dress things up and sugarcoat things because that is what people want. I worked on the phone for three years. My blunt, frank, and brutally honest approach usually resulted in my escalating to my supervisor. When I would go against my conscience and sugarcoat basic ideas, people responded well. The point is that our national language is B.$.

    Citizens (with a few exceptions) would not respond well if our leaders simply told us that times will be tough and we need to step up. If they left it at that, everybody would cry foul and we would have record protests. Yet, in the big scheme of things that is the truth of the matter. No speech is going to help the economy recover. Only actions by the everyday person will do it. Overall people avoid the truth and respect those who can put the best sheen on simple truths.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Tue, Aug 18, 2009, at 10:02 PM
  • Nazis wanted a return to simpler terms. They deplored modern civilization that gave everyone a chance to rise from the farm or streets to something grander. They longed for a return to times similar to that of the 14th century when luck or being born to the right family mattered most. It is called Volkism. Besides that, they were just cowards who could not handle that their limited skill set was not being rewarded by society. Germany at that time was moving towards a society where knowing how to pick a fight and fire a pistol were not the only skills one needed. Being educated and knowing more than how to wrestle in the mud, drink beer, and beat your wife were demanded of young men. These stalwarts of past ignorance felt shafted and needed an excuse to enact revenge on those who were "alienating" them. Its called grow up in my opinion.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 4:23 PM
  • *simpler times* , I meant to say.

    My career as an editor would be shortlived.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 4:24 PM
  • A courageous man can weather the storm no matter how society views one. Typically the neighborhood bully is really a scared little boy that is insecure. They have no confidence in what they do and so have to make someone else feel as wretched and powerless as they are. I have the experience of an older brother that puts on the angry, take-nothing-from-anybody, my-package-is-bigger-and-better-than-anyone-else type. When it comes down to it, he feels belittled by those who are productive, go-getters, strong-but-not-boisterous-and-outspoken, and have strong values.

    The change in life from very simple agrarian, simple production, male-dominated ways to times where no matter the level of courage, fighting skill, or bad attitude there was a place for everybody. People could have productive potential without needing to assert themselves on everyone and be the ignorant $%$%$ just to be one. A person could be respected and valued by society without these unpleasant qualities. More was going to demanded of someone if they were going to be socially accepted. This ****** them off. Hitler writes about this in Mein Kempf. He deplores that simply being a soldier did not elevate one to godlike status. He hated that he was not the perfect soldier. He was weak, not very courageous, and thoroughly un-masculine in some ways. He had been rejected by society. His niche denied and so knew that there were others who felt alienated by society.

    Germany had been a loose confederation of small duchys. Never had it been dominant. In fact, it had been the whipping boy more often than not in the history of Europe. It now felt that it needed revenge. Their own lack of unity was to blame for the defeats of the past. Jews were just a convenient scapegoat for their displaced anger.

    I know that you value men who die with their rifle in their right hand and their flag in the other. I value that a man stands by his convictions and does not need to exorcise his demons on others just because they are there. Hitler knew that a combination of passionate speeches and displaced anger was his niche to feeling adequate and needed in life. His own feeling of inadequacy fueled this. He knew that Jews, Slavs, and Gypsys were easy targets due to being mostly poor. They were typically blamed for alot of the misfortunes of Germany and Austria.

    So ends the tirade but if these men were so great then why did they wage war against those who could not fight back? If they were so great why could they not weather the storm and conquer their own social demons without war. I have issues that few will understand but I do not exact my anger on those who fit the mold of my older brother.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 10:05 PM
  • I guess the point is that if one is going to die in a violent conflict, I would think that one would want to know that one died doing the right thing. From the German standpoint, I would feel ashamed that we picked a fight just because we were angry and felt that Jews, Slavs, and Gypsys were easy targets

    Not simply fighting a war that is really just displaced anger. Germany was the aggressor. Its initial victims had done nothing wrong. Nazis simply took advantage of those who were weary of war and poor. There is nothing to revere about someone who can shoot an unarmed civilian. The Allied forces that eventually overtook them did something that no words of gratitude can account for. I am critical of those who give Nazis any credit. They took advantage of a desparate country and were simply men who could not handle contemporary life. That is weak to me.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 10:51 AM
  • This is not to be the know-it-all but pure communism is not inherently evil. If one follows the ideals that Marx outlines in Das Kapital, the situation would not be one of oppression. Now it is unrealistic that any society would ever follow the doctrine. Besides the leaders that have classified themselves as communist have simply been power-hungry, heartless, totalitarian dictators that use the communist label to appear as if they care about their people. Trying to paint a picture of equitable distribution of wealth and resources. Ignorant and desperate people want to hear that they will have a chance to escape their present conditions. So these dictators use this a diversion and then exact their oppressive and often cruel ways upon the population. Marx's ideals were not followed by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Caecescu, or Castro. Finally, pure communism is inconsistent with human nature.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Mon, Aug 31, 2009, at 9:39 PM
  • -- Posted by DaveThompson on Wed, Sep 2, 2009, at 12:42 PM
  • Mr Dave Thompson: I don't know why you felt the need to question me concerning when I write or where I write and whether my boss doesn't agree with what I write. (For those just tuning in, see his comment to my blog Czar #1 & #2) I have not questioned anyone else's right to write, nor have I asked where they work or when they write or if they are using a personal or company computer! But because of you and another mean-spirited commenter, I had to keep posting the time everytime that I wrote. As if it is anyone's business that I have taken a vacation (Aug.10-21) & decided to blog a few times; or anyone's business when I have my lunch break at home; or when I have taken comp-time off. Nobody else on here has to justify when they write so why in the freaking-fracking heck-a-palousa do I? And by the by, factcheck, my bottom! (Time 7:22pm)

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Wed, Sep 2, 2009, at 8:22 PM
  • The numbers may be higher with Stalin and Mao but the length of time is greater. I think that you use Communist as a derogatory term and nothing else. The policies set forth by this administration do not show communal ownership. That is the cornerstone of Marx and Engels. They deplored private property. They felt that the working class would eventually overthrow the upper class and that over time a compromise would be made. This compromise would be communal ownership and proportional revenue to all. This supplied that all worked and were productive. Again, it is a bit inconsistent with human nature.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Sep 3, 2009, at 12:04 PM
  • Its called being logical. If I am going to make accusations, I come strong with objective logic and/or facts. Referring to someone as a communist, I would think that I would back that up with more than just reactionary rhetoric. Oh well, it takes all types to make the world go around.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Tue, Sep 8, 2009, at 10:03 AM
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