Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

What is Cap and Trade?

Posted Sunday, June 28, 2009, at 11:27 PM
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  • Regardless of the points brought up by the writer, this system is better than what is currently on the table. Command and control is the current strategy. This is where we set arbitrary max's and mins and punish those who dont abide by that. Once they reach that threshold there is no incentive to increase abatement of pollutants. A cap and trade system gives incentives to those who want to push beyond that threshold. It has already been instituted amongst the coal plants in the midwest to great success. Pollution levels have gone down and customers are not being left with exorbitant increases. Customers have been paying too little if you want to be scientific but I will save that tirade for later. Every post does not need to be a doctoral dissertation.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Mon, Jun 29, 2009, at 12:02 PM
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    So tell me what it all matters if it's only the U.S. that reduces pollutants in the atmosphere. Large nations such as Russia dn China aren't doing this and are some of the biggest polluters on record. I was reading where it took 3 days for the plume from a shuttle launch to travel to Antartica. The plume was largely water vapor but created a cloud formation that quite unique.

    So again I ask what good does it do if we create clean air that will be over another country in a matter of days. All the while we are sucking in pollutants from some industrial nation chugged out by a company that isn't hog tied by it's government.

    Do I think we need controls on pollution, sure. But on the other hand, as mentioned by Twil himself, a lot of the potential polluters are already managing this themselves.

    Never say something from the government won't cost anymore money. We all know the fantasy version of those comments. Need I bring up SEVERAL campaign speeches by the messiah where he said he wouldn't do anything but REDUCE taxes on the middle class. Now he aknowledges this would cause a small increase in taxes for most households. Couple that along with having to pay taxes on the tax break I'm getting in my pay check...wow...that truly is hope for change. Or is that hopefully have some change left for a cup of coffee?

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Jun 29, 2009, at 6:46 PM
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    To be honest, unless we get the whole planet to cut pollution, it's like watering your grass hoping that your neighbors grass will stay green from it.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Jun 29, 2009, at 6:51 PM
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  • Bazookaman... you are a fanatic. Calm down...it will all be ok.

    -- Posted by ericbillings on Tue, Jun 30, 2009, at 4:10 PM
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