Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

Another case for Apathy.

Posted Sunday, February 22, 2009, at 4:44 PM
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  • Great blog Kim. It is nice to see that there is still mass support for the people that give their lives for our freedoms (even if some of us may not "believe" in the war). Sometimes where you go and who you protect is not a choice but a job---a duty. We can only hope that it will end soon and everyone will get to come home.

    Thanks Kim.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Feb 22, 2009, at 5:15 PM
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    NO NO NO Bazooka..let's hold an even there that will draw HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of left-wing liberal zealots...them nuke the place....remember the one hand grenade principle

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Feb 23, 2009, at 7:04 PM
  • Come on guys, I know that you are just joking. Please tell me that you wouldn't want to "nuke" anyone. Free speech does swing to all sides. I don't begrudge people for protesting something. I just don't think it should be an all or nothing mentality. Those who oppose the war, have a right to do so. Some take it too far with their "demilitarize" dreams. Reality is hard for some people to accept and they would like to live in a fantasy world where "we just all get along". God knows that peace is not in our future. Those who join and serve in the military should be respected. That is what I protest against. We must have the military or the nation will fall. Many students are in a state of immaturity (I don't mean that in a bad way)being young and inexperienced, that they desire a "fight" to bring purpose to their life or to give an excuse for their anger. When there is no real cause to fight for, then they will find something! Please chose your battles well. Save your energy for the real fights that matter. That's all I'm saying. I don't wish to "nuke" anyone for their opinions.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Mon, Feb 23, 2009, at 10:04 PM
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    So how would you feel about the Buddhist recruiting students during school, or at other places teenagers hangout? How would you feel if the Mormons were allowed to send missionaries onto school property and preach to your children? I ask this because, children are already confused and angsty about the screwed up way the world works and don't need some outside organization confusing them with promises of a better future if they JOIN this or that group. All types of recruiters should stay out of schools and area's that kids hangout. Recruiters should stay in their offices and wait for the willing volunteers to come to them. The kids should not be pressured to join any group because they are still too young to make an informed decision. The recruiters jobs is to entice and seduce, or sell their product to the target audience without concern for the outcome. I have often watched these recruiters hang out at the local Maverick for the lunch time rush, because that's where some of the kids go to get away at lunchtime. And these recruiters swarm in like vultures with smiles and golden promises and harass the youth.

    They've even come at me because I look pretty young and acted like holy salesmen, promising sign on bonuses, which they hardly ever give out. Free training, the G.I. bill which is basically useless now days. They promise everything except the truth. They are mearly salesmen looking for more bodies to fight a corporate war. Hired thugs for the oil and gas giants. THEY SHOULD NOT be allowed in public schools or allowed to troll the local hangouts. If a kid wants militarism they should join a military school or in-case of religion they should join a catholic school or what have you. Public Schools should be strictly for learning and the gaining of knowledge about the world, without the outside distraction of military or religious, salesmen preaching to them.

    The whole statement about gun safety (in school) is idiotic. What purpose is gun safety in school when there aren't supposed to be guns there anyway. Is it so the crazy kids don't shoot themselves in the foot before they go on their rampage? I mean come on...they can go to hunter safety courses outside of school for that.


    "Zealots" use violence and fear to change peoples opinions. It statements like what you wrote that helped define the word terrorism.

    -- Posted by censored on Mon, Feb 23, 2009, at 10:31 PM
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    Kim you're right, I was joking when I used the word nuke.

    You said it Censored...."Zealots" use violence and fear to change peoples opinions"...isn't that what Obamassiah has been doing for over a month now? Using fear to push through legislation? Using fear tactics in his speeches to scare the hell out of the populace so he can come in like the shining knight to rescue us. Listening to Obama makes me worried that tomorrow the sun may not come up unless we give him permission to spend another trillion dollars.

    Censored you're an idiot. The Mormons DO come onto school grounds and try to recruit new members. They're called STUDENTS. I remember my days in school when I was asked over and over again to attend church with "friends" who were Mormon. I don't remember once being asked to go to the Lutheran or Catholic church. I can't remember the last time I had a catholic missionary come to my house looking for a new recruit. There is a defined line between church and state in this country...it's truly sad to say that. But there is no line when it comes to the armed forces. Where religion, good or bad, offers the salvation of ones soul, the military can offer the salvation of the person themselves. Kids with no money and no future can be given at least 4 years to learn a trade and make decent money. They then can determine whether they stay in or use what they've learned in the real world. If they choose to waste 4 years and learn nothing then it's back on them. I've seen alot of kids go into the service and come out well trained, well behaved young men and women. I've also seen alot of kids go to college for 4 years and come out worse then when they went in. Not alot of structure in colleges now days.

    The issue of gun safety at school and the comment that they aren't supposed to be there are two different issues. When I was a kid I had a shotgun in the trunk of my car to hunt birds on my way home. I carried a pocket knife to cut strings on bales of hay after school when we fed calves. Now days either of those offenses would have me expelled for good. Sad, Sad day when we criminalize things that we took for granted growing up. But that seems to be the way of the world now, to make laws that create new criminals than to enforce the laws we have in a reasonable and sensible way.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Feb 23, 2009, at 11:19 PM
  • for every redneck patriot there has to be someone to call it into question. Blindly going to war is not the answer as we have found out. I applaud those who have fought for us. But I am 100% against Iraqinam and any other intervention. Losing lives for no good reason is not acceptable.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Thu, Mar 12, 2009, at 11:30 AM
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