
Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg are on the run from a world gone zombie in Zombieland.
In the film, directed by Ruben Fleischer, Earth's population becomes decimated by a virus, similar to the mad cow disease that turns people into flesh-craving zombies. Only a few humans remain, including Columbus (Eisenberg) a student at the University of Texas trying to make his way to his home town of Columbus and Tallahassee (Harrelson) whose on a mission to kill as many zombies as possible in pursuit of the last Twinkie on Earth.
When Tallahassee and Columbus decide to team up, they stop at a grocery store where they fight off three zombies and encounter two teenage girls Wichita (Emma Stone) and her little sister Little Rock (Abigail Breslin).
Little Rock and Wichita turn out to be con artists and rob Tallahassee and Columbus of their weapons and their Cadillac Escalade.
After the vehicle breaks down, the foursome agrees to travel to Los Angeles, (in a fully armed hummer that Tallahassee and Columbus discovered), together to a amusement park that is rumored to be zombie-free, a journey that includes clearly the best cameo of the year Bill Murray as a masquerading zombie.
Once they arrive at the amusement park, the foursome encounter a horde of zombies for one epic final battle, of which Tallahassee kills countless zombies while locked in a game booth and Columbus finally faces his ultimate fear, a zombie clown.
This movie has gotten big critic buzz, since it's release, some saying the "Best Comedy of the Year"
In saying that it puts over "I Love You, Man" and "The Hangover", so in my opinion this movie was funny, but best comedy of the year, I don't think so.
First off, Eisenberg, this kid is not funny, he is clearly a clone of Michael Cera (Year One, Superbad), the only difference is Michael Cera is funny and a great actor.
Harrelson, when I saw he was pegged for the role of the bad-a** zombie killer, I didn't really buy it, but he was believable, a change from all his supporting roles in the past. The storyline of finding the last Twinkie was kinda corny, if you ask me.
Stone and Breslin had great chemistry on screen, I gotta admit when I saw the poster for the first time I thought Stone was Mila Kunis from "That 70's Show."
Breslin was good in this movie, believable of such a young kid in an action movie, unlike Dakota Fanning in "Push", (which spoiler alert will be mentioned in January as one of the Worst Movies of the Year).
Personally, I'm not a big horror movie fan, and I only saw this on curiosity of the best comedy of the year hype, but I wouldn't say this movie was all that bad, just not as great as the critics are saying.
The action scenes were good, I could have done without the numerous scenes where the rules to avoid a zombie kept flashing, it was almost like watching a cartoon after a while.
So best comedy of the year not really, but it at least gets a three reel score for this edition of the Reel Revue.
Next time on the Reel Revue, my review for The Men Who Stare At Goats starring George Clooney, Jeff Bridges, Ewan MacGregor and Kevin Spacey.
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