Julie and Julia

Meryl Streep plays the legendary TV chef Julia Child in Julie and Julia.
In the film, based on two true stories, Streep's portrayal of Child is played opposite to Julie Powell, an aspiring cook played by Amy Adams, who writes a blog challenging herself to cook each and every recipe from Child's cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" within a one year time period, a challenge that tests not only Powell's will and spirit, but her marriage as well.
The film is director Nora Ephron's adaptation of the two bestselling memoirs: "Julie & Julia" by Powell and "My Life in France" by Child with Alex Prudhomme.
Now I'll be honest, I'm not a regular fan of what most would call "chick flicks," and at first I wasn't planning on seeing this film, but I am kind of glad that I did.
I feel Streep, fresh off last year's Academy-Award performance in Doubt is at the top of her game with this performance, a performance that should earn heavy consideration come Oscar time, also Adams who co-starred with Streep in Doubt delivers a strong supporting role also worthy of Oscar consideration.
The story was fluid throughout and fun to watch not to mention a script that featured some lines that took me by surprise. A story that intertwined two lives of women as it portrayals Child's start into cooking and Powell's efforts to succeed in her one year cooking challenge.
Overall, I would say this a solid film, and quite possibly could be one of my best movies of the year list.
To check out, my pics for the Best of Summer 2009, check out my blog, "You Stay Classy, Mountain Home."
That was my review of "Julie and Julia" now check out what my fellow critics thought of the movie.
- -- Posted by kimkovac on Mon, Sep 28, 2009, at 8:23 PM
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