District 9

Personally, I'm not such a big fan of science-fiction films, and I went to see District 9 on sheer curiosity based off the critic buzz, the film has gotten. Now, after seeing the film, I believe that District 9 is clearly one of the best films of the year.
The film, set in 2010, is the story of a bedraggled alien race nicknamed the "Prawns" appeared in a massive space ship over Johannesburg, South Africa.
The aliens, who arrived twenty years prior, were sent off to a refugee camp that has deteriorated in a militarized ghetto referred to as "District 9."
After twenty years later, the aliens in view of the humans worn out their welcome, as the munitions corporation, MNU (Multi-National United) is contracted to evict the alien population and move them to District 10, a camp located miles away from Johannesburg.
The group was led by operative Wikus Van Der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), it was an operation that would change Van Der Merwe forever. As he begins the evicitons, Wikus becomes in contact with a strange alien chemical, that slowly begins to transform him into one of the very aliens he is evicting.
Throughout the rest of the film, Wikus with help from two other prawns, strives to find a cure for his transformation and aid the "Prawns" in going home.
After watching the film, I was unbelievably impressed with this movie, in just the storyline of how in a sense, the aliens were the good guys and the humans were the villains.
Copley stood out in the film, with a remarkable performance, sure fire candidate for Best Actor at this year's Oscars.
The film, was created by the unique mind of Peter Jackson who is famous for his remake of "King Kong" and the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
When the Oscars arrive, I feel District 9 has a slim chance for a Best Director nomination for Neill Blomkamp, but a strong chance for an acting nomination for Copley and for Best Picture, since the Academy will nominate 10 films as opposed to five.
In all, District 9 makes my "Best of.." list for 2009, (ranked #2).
Next time on the Reel Revue, my review for "The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard" starring Jeremy Piven and Ving Rhames
- -- Posted by LongTimeListener on Sat, Sep 5, 2009, at 4:17 PM
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