Silver Screen Did You Know? (2)

(The facts and pictures were taken from
1. The original tag line for Terminator 3:The Rise of the Machines was "The War Begins 2003," but the phrase was removed from all promotional material when it turned out to really be true.
2. The f-bomb is dropped 186 times in the 2007 film Superbad, surpassing the 1983 film Scarface (182 times), a number that was the basis behind the name of the band Blink 182.
3. Rocky Balboa was born on July 6, 1945. According to First Blood: Part II (1985). John J. Rambo was born on July 6, 1947. Sylvester Stallone was born July 6, 1946.
4. Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest and finished third.
5. Sean Penn called Eddie Vedder to ask him to do the soundtrack for his film Into The Wild, and Vedder agreed on the spot before he knew anything about the film.
6. The Chinese government has barred Martin Scorsese from ever entering Tibet because they found his 1997 Disney film Kundun too offensive.
7. Mickey Mouse is named after Mickey Rooney, whose mother dated Walt Disney.
8. In The Big Lebowski, The Dude played by Jeff Bridges never actually bowls.
9. The year after Deliverance was released, 31 people drowned trying to canoe down the treacherous stretch of the Chattanooga River where the movie was filmed.
10. A young boy named Ronald Hunkeler was the subject of a real life exorcism in the 1940's and was the inspiration for William Peter Blatty's novel "The Exorcist."
11. Hulk Hogan majored in business management.
12. The first preview for Star Wars: Episode 1--The Phantom Menace was played in November 1998 before the Adam Sandler film The Waterboy. Many Star Wars fans who were not Sandler fans paid the full admission price, watched the Star Wars trailer, and then left the theater.
13. J. K. Rowling was a struggling single mother when she started writing her first Harry Potter book.
14. The top five movies with the highest body counts ever: 1. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (836), 2. 300 (600), 3. Troy (572) 4. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (468), 5. Grindhouse: Double Feature (310).
15. At the end of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, one of the movie's most climactic moments involves the lid sliding off an enormous stone coffin. The sound effects guy for the film made the sound by sliding the lid across the tank of his toilet.
Almost Casted
Here is a series of memorable film roles, and who was originally meant to be cast in the role.
1. Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones: The original choice was Tom Selleck.
2. Harrison Ford as Han Solo: Who could have been cast in the role included Christopher Walken, Burt Reynolds and Al Pacino.
3. Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley: Who could have been cast in the lead role of Beverly Hills Cop, Sylvester Stallone.
4. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys: Actually the first choice for these roles were SNL alumni Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey.
5. Jim Carrey as The Riddler in Batman Forever: The original choice for the role was Robin Williams.
6. Topher Grace as Venom in Spiderman 3: The original choices for the role was Vin Diesel or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
7. Gwyneth Paltrow as Viola in Shakespeare In Love: The original choice for the role was Julia Roberts.
8. Harrison Ford as Deckard in Blade Runner: The original choice for the role was Dustin Hoffman.
9. Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone in The Godfather: Who could have been cast in the role included Frank Sinatra, Sir Laurence Olivier and Anthony Quinn.
10. Al Pacino as Michael Corleone in The Godfather: Who could have been cast in the role included James Caan and Robert Redford. James Caan ended up playing Sonny Corleone, Michael's brother.
11. Mickey Rourke as Randy "The Ram" Robinson in The Wrestler: The original choice for the role was Nicolas Cage.
12. Catherine Zeta Jones as Velma Kelly in Chicago: The original choice for the role was Madonna.
13. Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia: The original choice for the role was Sissy Spacek. Spacek was cast as Leia, while Carrie Fisher had landed the lead role in Brian De Palma's Carrie. Fisher refused to do nude scenes and swapped roles with Spacek.
14. Katherine Heigl as Allison Scott in Knocked Up: Who was almost cast for the role, Anne Hathaway.
15. Sylvester Stallone as Rocky: Who was almost cast for the role, Ryan O' Neal.
16. Kate Winslet as Rose Dewitt Buchader in Titanic: Who was almost cast for the role, Gwyneth Paltrow.
17. Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain: Who was almost cast in these roles, Mark Wahlberg and Joaquin Phoenix.
18. Dustin Hoffman as Benjamin Braddock in The Graduate: Who was almost cast for the role, Robert Redford.
19. Julia Roberts as Vivian in Pretty Woman: Who was almost cast for the role, Molly Ringwald or Darryl Hannah.
20. Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump: Who was almost cast for the role, John Travolta.
Before They Were Famous-ANSWERS
(Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, Wesley Snipes, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Buscemi, Madonna, Charlie Chaplin, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Pierce Bronson, Al Pacino)
Which of the following actors was a .......?
A. circus fire eater (Brosnan)
B. carpenter (Ford)
C. janitor (Chaplin)
D. owner of a body-building mail-order company (Schwartzenegger)
E. cinema usher (Pacino)
F. bricklayer (Goldberg; who also worked in a funeral home)
G. firefighter (Buscemi; who also drove an ice cream van)
H. employee at Dunkin' Donuts (Madonna)
I. valet at Columbia University (Snipes)
J. coffin polisher (Connery)
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