Hotel For Dogs

Photo Critics: Garrett Berger (4 years old) and Taylor Berger (6 years old)
"I liked when the dogs got out, my favorite dog was Georgia (Boston Terrier) because we have one," said Garrett Berger.
"It was good, my favorite dog was Georgia because we have one," said Taylor Berger.
Last year's dog movie that turned to be an absolute bomb was Beverly Hills Chihuahua and this year it was Hotel for Dogs.
In the movie, Emma Roberts (daughter of Eric and niece of Julia Roberts) and Jake T. Austin star as two foster children who decide to take in nine stray dogs at abandoned home in New York.
The movie also stars Lisa Kudrow as the step-mom to Roberts and Austin, and works with her husband played by Kevin Dillon as struggling musicians. Academy Award nominee Don Cheadle stars as a social worker, who struggles with finding the kids a home, but grows to love the kids and their new found hotel.
Unless your ten years old or younger, I would not recommend this film, the only thing I feel this movie was trying to do was to promote the many dogs in the film giving them names like Rusty, Georgia, Pixie and Dixie, I don't know I lost track.
The only thing I can say makes this film, better than Beverly Hills Chihuahua was that they didn't make the dogs talk.
And why oh why is an established actor like Don Cheadle in this movie, he deserved better.
Score: 2 out of 5 reels
Next time on the Reel Revue, will be my review for Push starring Chris Evans, Djimon Hwonsu, Dakota Fanning and Camilla Belle
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