The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Brad Pitt, stars and has quite possibly his finest performance in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Benjamin."
In the film, Pitt plays the title role, a character who is born with several aged diseases at birth with little chance of survival, however his character survives his elderly birth and throughout the film, ages in reverse.
The narration in the film is given by Pitt and read as diary entries by Daisy and Benjamin's estranged daughter Caroline played by Julia Ormond (First Knight, Sabrina).
Benjamin, abandoned by his father at birth, is raised by Queenie, a black woman and caregiver at a seniors home, played by Taraji P. Henson (Hustle & Flow)
While at the senior home, Benjamin meets Daisy, his lifelong friend whom after they both catch up in age, Pitt as a seaman and Blanchett as a dancer, fall in love. Daisy's adult character is played fantastically by Cate Blanchett.
Throughout the film, Benjamin experiences life while aging in reverse and seeing everyone he loves die. The love story between Benjamin and Daisy, becomes tangled after Benjamin realizes he will not able to take care of their newborn child, as he is nearing a younger age, while Daisy is getting older.
This movie, yes was long, really long, but the story was told beautifully, the makeup and special effects were fantastic, and as I said earlier Pitt puts on a remarkable performance as Benjamin Button.
The film also features solid performances from Blanchett and Henson who is nominated for Best Supporting Actress at this year's Academy Awards.
I wish I would have seen this film, sooner, this would have definitely made my best of list for 2008.
As far as the Academy Awards, if not both, either Brad Pitt will win Best Actor or Benjamin Button wins Best Picture.
Reel Revue Note: My next review for The Wrestler, will feature a revised Best of 2008 List.
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