
What has the movie Twilight brought, a buzz that hasn't been seen for any movie since Titanic, that's what
The movie marks the first film from the hit series of books written by author Stephenie Meyer.
In the film, Bella played by Kristen Stewart, (who most audiences will remember from Panic Room) is a young recluse teenager, who decides to live with her father in Forks, Washington.
While Bella is adapting to her life in Forks, she encounters Edward Cullen (played by Robert Pattinson), a mysterious teenager from a family with a dark secret, (I know I shouldn't say, but most of the world has either seen the movie or read the books), that secret they are vampires.
As Bella and Edward begin to fall in love, they encounter, James (played by Cam Gigandet from "Never Back Down"), a rival vampire who hunts down Bella to satisfy his thirst for blood and Edward gives his all to protect the one thing he has been searching for his whole life, a soul mate.
Going into this movie, I haven't read the books and from the trailers I felt that it was Dawson's Creek for Vampires, and after seeing the movie, my impression stayed the same. Sure, it's a good love story, and both Pattinson and Stewart's performances were stellar, but there was nothing about this movie that really impressed me.
There was some funny moments, mixed into the film, that added some spark, but if not for the chemistry between Stewart and Pattinson, this movie was quite a downer, sorry fans of the books, that's just how I feel.
As far as vampires, I assume that Meyer was bringing a whole new spin to the vampire character with no fangs and how being exposed to sunlight, causes their skin to glow like diamonds, but for me I am more used to seeing vampires in movies like Blade or Underworld.
I would recommend this movie for people who have read the books and I would partially recommend this movie for those who haven't read the books.
Next on the Reel Revue, will be my countdown for the Top 10 Best and Worst Films of 2008.
Now you've read my review, (sorry again Twilight fans), here's what fellow critics thought of Twilight.
1. Brett Stempfley, Corbett Stempfley, Kadie Summers
2. Jaspreet Hieb, Kaitlin Blalock, Jenna Crowe
- -- Posted by VicVega on Mon, Dec 22, 2008, at 1:44 PM
- -- Posted by mhgirl on Wed, Jan 14, 2009, at 9:09 AM
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