Role Models

In Role Models, Seann William Scott (American Pie) and Paul Rudd (The 40 Year Old Virgin) star as two energy drink employees who trash a company truck and to avoid jail is given the option to serve 150 hours of community service as child mentors.
The children assigned to Wheeler (Scott) and Danny (Rudd) are Augie, a medieval role playing nerd played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse (McLovin from Superbad) and Ronnie played by newcomer Bobb'e J. Thompson.
Throughout the rest of the movie, Danny and Wheeler are left in a bind, having to serve as mentors or spent time behind bars.
I was taken by surprise with this movie, I was expected something extremely worse, but I thought the pairing of Rudd and Scott, was great, Mintz-Plasse has potential to be a solid actor (as long as he is not typecast as nerdy characters) and despite vulgar language coming from a ten year old, that you wouldn't expect from a ten year old, Jackson was the standout performance in the film.
I especially loved the homage to the rock band Kiss during the climatic "LAIRE" battle scene (Live Action Interactive Role playing Explorers).
The film also featured great performances from the gorgeous Elizabeth Banks as Rudd's girlfriend/Danny and Wheeler's attorney and Jane Lynch from the 40 Year Old Virgin who played the center's ex-con director.
I wanted put this on my best of list, (will be revealed later this month), and rank it over Zack and Miri or Tropic Thunder, but for me I was satisfied with Role Models to give it a recommendation.
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