
Walt Disney, yet again produces another animated hit with Bolt, starring John Travolta and Miley Cyrus.
In Bolt, Travolta voices Bolt, an American White Shepherd, who is the star of a fictional sci-fi/action show.
In the show, Bolt was genetically enhanced by his owner's father to protect his daughter Penny voiced by Cyrus.
The trouble for Bolt, is that he is unaware of what is reality and what is the TV show, this comes to fruition, when Bolt believes that Penny is kidnapped by the Green Eyed Man (Dr. Calico, the lead villain in the TV show, voiced by Malcolm McDowell) and attempts to rescue her.
In his effort, Bolt is accidentally shipped to New York City, where he encounters a street wise cat named Mittens voiced by Susie Essman from Curb Your Enthusiasm and Bolt's #1 fan, a hamster named Rhino voiced by Mark Walton and together they go cross country to try to save Penny.
Overall, I thought this was a great movie, the animation was great and the story was told fluently.
I felt Cyrus and Travolta were great in their animated roles, but from what most people who have seen the movie would say Rhino stole the show, for me it was Essman's portrayal of Mittens she was absolutely hilarious.
This is a great movie for kids and for adults, I definitely recommend this movie.
The only thing I wonder is what seeing this movie would have been like in 3-D, maybe even better.
Now you've read my review, check out what some of my fellow critics I talked to over the Thanksgiving holiday thought of Bolt.
1. Julia Gabel
2. J.J. Millett
3. Rilley Miller
4. Nate & Zac McKenna
5. Leisha, Anna Brooke and McKenna Barfield
6. Morgan Vivier
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