Burn After Reading

The Coen Brothers have done it again, first Fargo, then No Country For Old Men, and now the brilliantly directed dark comedy Burn After Reading starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton and John Malkovich.
In Burn After Reading, Malkovich plays Osborne Cox, a former CIA operative loses his highly classified memoirs to two gym employees played by Pitt (Chad) and McDormand (Linda). While Cox attempts to retrieve the memoirs, his wife played by Swinton is having an affair with married playboy Clooney.
The performances in this movie were top notch, including Pitt, who plays his character Chad, so well, as the dumbfounded physical trainer.
It's so hard to believe the reach of The Coen Brothers directorial talents, to go from such a dark and sinister film like No Country and come back with a yes dark, but yet hilarious movie like Burn After Reading.
The Coen Brothers hit another film marvel with this movie, and I expect that some if not all of the cast should be considered for Golden Globe or Oscar nominations later this year.
When it comes to Fall movies, good movies are few and far between, but Burn After Reading was a good, no great movie.
Well you've read my review, now see what my fellow critics Beth Andrews and John Zick thought of Burn After Reading. Also, if you notice the reflection of the guy with the camera, don't be alarmed, it's only me.
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