The idea behind Robert's Random is for me to write about whatever I'm thinking about whenever I'm thinking it. I try to write 3-5 times a week, but sometimes real work gets in the way of that. Sometimes I'll share whatever random thought I might have that day but most of the time, I like to write about things going on in the news. I'm a total news junkie, I spend a lot of time online at various news sites. If I find a story where someone does something totally stupid or I wonder "what were they thinking?" I don't mind pointing it out incase others missed it or taking my best guess at what they were thinking. I like to laugh, I like to make others laugh. There's so much serious and wrong stuff going on in the news that when I find an unusual or light story, I like to use it. And while real life news events might be the focus of many of my blogs, I'm just trying to entertain you, make you laugh and maybe even think about something you didn't know before reading. I'm not trying to break any serious news or deliver any hard-hitting coverage. You'll have to read a paper or watch one of the network shows for that.
Woman allegedly stabs man who wouldn't stop listening to the Eagles
While demonstrating why continuing to room up with an ex is a bad idea, South Carolinian Vernett Bader stabbed her roommate multiple times with a 14-inch serrated bread knife because he wouldn't stop listening to the Eagles on repeat.
The incident occurred Monday night in North Charleston. The alleged victim was listening to the classic rock band and told Bader to "shut up" when she didn't want to listen to the band any longer. She allegedly responded with the knife attack, which the victim and another man were able to wrestle away from her. She returned from the kitchen with another knife, but the man was able to lock himself in the bathroom before any further damage could be done.
Bader was charged with criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature. Police reports show that she, the victim and the third person in the home at the time of the incident were all reportedly drunk at the time of the alleged conflict.
Are there any bands or artists that would cause you to lose your mind if you had to listen to them on repeat multiple times?
- -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Wed, Sep 18, 2013, at 12:09 AM
- -- Posted by RTaylor on Wed, Sep 18, 2013, at 12:22 AM
- -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Wed, Sep 18, 2013, at 12:01 PM
- -- Posted by shockwave on Thu, Sep 19, 2013, at 2:44 PM
- -- Posted by shockwave on Thu, Sep 19, 2013, at 2:59 PM
- -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Thu, Sep 19, 2013, at 8:01 PM
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