The idea behind Robert's Random is for me to write about whatever I'm thinking about whenever I'm thinking it. I try to write 3-5 times a week, but sometimes real work gets in the way of that. Sometimes I'll share whatever random thought I might have that day but most of the time, I like to write about things going on in the news. I'm a total news junkie, I spend a lot of time online at various news sites. If I find a story where someone does something totally stupid or I wonder "what were they thinking?" I don't mind pointing it out incase others missed it or taking my best guess at what they were thinking. I like to laugh, I like to make others laugh. There's so much serious and wrong stuff going on in the news that when I find an unusual or light story, I like to use it. And while real life news events might be the focus of many of my blogs, I'm just trying to entertain you, make you laugh and maybe even think about something you didn't know before reading. I'm not trying to break any serious news or deliver any hard-hitting coverage. You'll have to read a paper or watch one of the network shows for that.
Health care debate: one thing all can agree on
President Obama's plan to overhaul this country's health care system has drawn serious criticism the past few weeks, most noticeably at town hall meetings staged to talk about the plan.
It is clear that people have strong opinions about Obama's plan regardless of if they support or oppose the plan. With a plan drastically different than the current system, this is to be expected as it is a complex issue that affects nearly everyone in the country. Rather or not you agree with the president's plan, there is one thing people on both sides of the issue should be able to agree on: some of the people opposing the plan are making fools out of themselves.
For example, this lady who calls the plan a "Nazi policy" during a town hall meeting held by Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank.
Hitler was directly responsible for the death of six million innocent people whose only crime were being Jewish, or supporting Jews. Obama wants to ensure every American has access to affordable health care. That's like comparing a ping pong paddle to a .50 cal machine gun.
She's not the only person to compare Obama's plan to Hitler. Here is a clip of a man from Israel talking about while he supports health care reform. Halfway through, a lady yells, "Hail Hitler!" at him and then mocks him when he says he supports health care reform because two hours of health care recently cost him $8,000.
In an interview of her own, she calls herself a "Republican" and a "conservative that believes in Biblical values." Between all the recent admission of affairs by top-ranking Republican officials, Republican governors deciding to random trips to visit their mistresses in Argentina orjust stop working all together and the party's loss of control in D.C. since the 2006 election, one might think the Republican Party has enough problems at the moment without people yelling "Hail Hitler! I'm a Republican!"
There are several more clips like these online at sites like YouTube and various news sites. The word "mob" is used several times in coverage of these events. A good number of people have made it clear they do not support a national health care plan. However, it's not always what someone says that matters, but how they say it. Unfortunately, for these groups of people who oppose the plan, their message is getting lost how their messages are being voiced. When this happens, their message gets lost in delivery. The focus no longer centers on people not liking Obama Care, it becomes, "Hey, those people are crazy." Or, "Did you see the clip of what happened at the town hall meeting last night? People started shoving each other!"
Everyone has freedom of speech and many of these extreme protesters will say they are just exercising that right, but perhaps their voice would be best heard if they remained silent or better yet, remained focused on items relevant to the topic.
- -- Posted by Beau on Sun, Aug 23, 2009, at 2:03 AM
- -- Posted by kimkovac on Sun, Aug 23, 2009, at 10:17 AM
- -- Posted by IraGold on Mon, Aug 24, 2009, at 11:07 AM
- -- Posted by skeeter on Sat, Aug 29, 2009, at 6:39 AM
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