The idea behind Robert's Random is for me to write about whatever I'm thinking about whenever I'm thinking it. I try to write 3-5 times a week, but sometimes real work gets in the way of that. Sometimes I'll share whatever random thought I might have that day but most of the time, I like to write about things going on in the news. I'm a total news junkie, I spend a lot of time online at various news sites. If I find a story where someone does something totally stupid or I wonder "what were they thinking?" I don't mind pointing it out incase others missed it or taking my best guess at what they were thinking. I like to laugh, I like to make others laugh. There's so much serious and wrong stuff going on in the news that when I find an unusual or light story, I like to use it. And while real life news events might be the focus of many of my blogs, I'm just trying to entertain you, make you laugh and maybe even think about something you didn't know before reading. I'm not trying to break any serious news or deliver any hard-hitting coverage. You'll have to read a paper or watch one of the network shows for that.
Redheads rock

I love redheads.
I don't know why. Maybe it's because you don't see many of them. Maybe it's their reputation as being as being, well, whatever their reputation is, I don't like to stereotype. Maybe it's because so many of them are pretty. I don't know.
Why do you like mustard on your hotdog? You don't know, you just know you do. I don't know why I like redheads, I just know that I do.
I came across a new redhead tonight. Someone sent me a link on YouTube. I watched the link, then clicked on another link, and just like every time I'm on YouTube, I clicked a few more and eventually ended up getting sucked into YouTube land watching videos that had nothing to do with what I originally got on to watch.
The next thing I know, I'm listening to Karen Alloy, who vloggers as Spricket24 on YouTube, talk about how much she doesn't like ugly people. Next, I'm watching her give a history lesson on redheads. Then she's going all cereal is my crack and I'm laughing like crazy. This girl's funny (though she'd be funnier if her videos were like 30-60 seconds shorter), she most likely writes her own stuff, she's pretty and for some reason, people like to comment on how she wears her makeup.
She got me thinking, redheads rock. What other redheads rock? Here's my list:
15. Rose McGowan
She may or may not have had a face lift, she may or may not be a redhead. About the only thing we know for sure is she did replace Shannen Doherty on the WB's "Charmed." And who didn't appreciate that?
14. Tori Amos
I'll be honest, when somebody suggested I add Tori to this list, I said "Who? Her name sounds familiar." "She a singer and she plays the piano," I was told. She plays the piano? That's all I need to know.
I never watched X-Files growing up, mostly due to the fact I'm not into Sci-fi, but if all alien hunters look like FBI Special Agent Dana Scully, I might have to consider giving the genre a look.
12. Amy Adams
Amy, who appeared on one episode of "That 70's Show" with another actress who made the list, wrote the book on going from unknown to star with an Oscar nomination when she was nominated in 2005 for her role in "Junebug".
11. Debra Messing
What's not to like about this tall, classy redhead many have called the next Lucille Ball?
10. Laura Prepon
Long before she went blond, she was making us laugh as Donna on "That 70's Show" and giving hope to dorks everywhere we might someday have a chance to hook up with the out-of-our league hottie from next door.
9. Marcia Cross
I knew Marcia was on Despite Housewives, but when I learned she worked with Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson on the made-for-TV movie "The Last Days of Frank and Jessie James," she got bumped up the list a few spots.
She makes $20 million a movie and has made more money at the box office than any other actresses. She's been one Pretty Woman since Steel Magnolias.
7. Isla Fisher
You probably recognize her as a "Stage five clinger" from Wedding Crashers. If anyone disagrees with her spot on this list, they should just do this.
Mr. Keith Urban proves international redheads are hot.
5. Reba
Reba does it all. She goes by one name, had a top-rated TV show, carried a Broadway show and is the second-best selling female artist in country music (she's number seven all time in any genre), has more top-10 hits than any woman, released 31 CDs, made music videos relevant in country music and has won just about every award there is to win at least 42 times.
"One time at band camp..." Did anyone even know band camps existed before Alyson made them famous with her endless tales on American Pie? She's a Buffy alumnus and you can currently catch her on CBS's "How I Met Your Mother," one of the funniest, most underrated shows out there.
I've been to a lot of concerts and have seen almost every big name in country music. Nobody has performed anywhere near the level Martina did last time she was in Boise. She has such an amazing voice, I'm sure it's what angles try to sound like when they sing. I could try to describe now how great it was, or I could just let you read what I wrote that night after I got home that I just dug up from my archives:
"The highlight of the night was easily listening to her sing, "Where would you be?" No one has ever nailed a song like she did that one, halfway though I realized how special listening to her sing that song was. It was the most amazing four minutes of music ever. I would have been happy never hearing another song again when she was done, it was that good. I wasn't the only one who thought so as the audience stood for nearly three minutes and cheered for her, as if she was a baseball player who had just hit a grand slam coming back for a curtain call. It wouldn't be her only standing ovation of the night, a few songs later the audience was holding up the show again after she sung Broken Wing. After she proclaimed Boise as the best crowd they'd played in on their current tour, she sung her signature hit Independence Day and left the stage. Most acts pretend like they are leaving than come back for an encore, Martina was no different but I'm pretty sure had she not plan on coming back, they could have turned the lights on and started taking down the stage and everyone would have stayed there cheering for her until she came back; she left everyone wanting more when she left the stage. When she did come back, I couldn't hear the first few lines of the cover she was singing because the audience was so loud. She ended the encore with an incredible version of Journey's Don't Stop Believing that might have been better than the version I saw Journey perform in the same building a few summers ago."
2. Lucille Ball
She's the original redhead. She made redheads hot back before there was even color TVs and set the standard for redheads everywhere. She's timeless. Ever watch "love Lucy" reruns? They'll make you laugh because they are as funny today as they were the first time they were aired. She's that type of classic.
Libbie's choice at the top of this list has to be an upset bigger than Mine That Bird's historic upset at this year's Kentucky Derby. She's a surprising, outside-the-box choice, that you've probably never heard of. But I have, and it's my list. I saw Libby perform over lunch when I was at the University of Idaho. I was intrigued by the redhead on stage with nothing but a piano, then she sung the lines, "I'm feeling like Johnny when he was chasing after June," and I was hooked.
The song, "Wish You Were the Woman," has been stuck in my head ever since. Like 18 months after her show, I used every bit of my incredible, and sometimes scary, ability to find anything online skills to track down the song and her myspace page (would have been a much easier task had I remembered her name). I sent her a message and told her the song was still stuck in my head so long after the show and she replied to my message, thanking me for my message and told me it made her day her music would stick with somebody so long. When I was in South America, I missed music like crazy and every song I have ever heard ran though my head. After a couple weeks into the trip, it was her song's turn to be stuck on replay in my head. I once again sent her a message and told her I had the song stuck in my head again and asked if she finally got the man she wrote the song about. She wrote me back, answered my question and we sent a few messages back and forth.
A redhead that plays piano, writes her own music, sings one of my all-time favorite songs (it's the second song), writes about Johnny and June and writes me back when I randomly myspace her? Yeah, she gets top billing on any list I make.
I wonder if I can get her to do a phone interview sometime, she's back on tour.
Closet Redheads
Not everyone who is a redhead likes people knowing they are redheads.
Before she took the world by storm as a blond, Marilyn Monroewas a redhead. You'd never guess it by the way Billie Joe Armstrongkeeps his hair now, but Green Day's front man is a natural redhead. Elsa Lanchesteris best known for her role as the bride of Frankenstein, but she was a redhead under that trademark hairdo.
Perhaps there are a couple of reasons redheads would try to cover up their natural hair. I can only think of one. If Carrot Top and I were in the same club, I'd find a way out of it too.
But not everyone minds being in the redhead club. Some people try to find a way in, such as Kirsten Dunst for her role as MJ in the Spiderman movies. Kristen was my celebrity crush when she was a blond. When she went red for the role, I loved it.
MJ isn't the only redhead character from TV/movie land. Jessica Rabbit, Lois Griffin, Wilma and Pebbles Flintstone, fake Wendy of Wendy's, Aerial and the king himself, Ronald McDonald, are all redheads we know and love from TV.
Redheads are great. However, only four percent of the world's population are redheads. Because red hair is caused by a recessive gene, there are only two ways to create more redheads: two redhead parents could pass on the gene, or a person could have a recessive gene they received from their parents that they could pass on their offspring.
Women, I'm just going to throw this out there, if you're a redheaded woman and would like to procreate with another redheaded man, and don't know any let me send you in this direction. I know I don't have any experience in the match making department, but I'm just trying to do what I can to help save the world's redheaded population.
According to which Web site you choose to believe, redheads could become extinct before the end of this century. Now while I believe to be a hoax that was probably started online while some kids were home bored for the summer, we can't take any chances. T.J. happens to be one of my good friends and I don't want to see him become extinct.
- -- Posted by TJTranchell on Fri, Jul 3, 2009, at 10:27 PM
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