Robert's Randoms
Robert J. Taylor

With eight day left, get to know who you are really voting for (and Santa's place in this election)

Posted Monday, October 27, 2008, at 1:58 PM
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  • I was starting to think, wow Robert, this is the most rediculous thing Ive ever read in my life, but then you got serious. But then you said this:

    "If you vote for Obama, you will actually be casting your vote for presidential electors Cecil D. Andrus, Christopher D. Bray, Bethine Church and Dave D. Whaley to vote on your behalf on Jan. 6 since our founding fathers did not think we were smart enough to elect the president on our own. Before the days of 24/7 news, I'm not sure how we were allowed to make up our owns about anything."

    Which is the exact reason why I am not wasting my time on going through the process of requesting a absentee ballot and voting. You didnt mention the 2000 election though, when the electorial college got the last word against the popular majorities word.

    -- Posted by taralavonne on Tue, Oct 28, 2008, at 2:45 PM
  • Barack H. Obama did his best to stop a radio interview he gave in 2001 from being heard during his campaign. He failed. The audio was posted just yesterday on YouTube. It has already been viewed by almost half a million Americans! Please consider passing this brief email on. Don't just send it to fellow Conservatives, but also to your Liberal friends who are about to make the grave mistake of voting for this duplicitous politician from the corrupt Chicago political machine. As in most areas, Obama has two faces. The real Obama and the candidate Obama. This is a rare glimpse into how he really views the Constitution, recorded before his campaign began and he started pretending respect for the Constitution and the Framers.



    (This is a word for word transcription of entire audio) "I think we can say that, uh, uh, the Constitution reflected a enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day, and, and, uh, that the Framers had that same blind spot. I, I, I don't think the two views are contradictory to say that it was a remarkable political document, uh, that paved the way for where we are now, and to say that it also, uh, reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day."


    OBAMA WBEV-FM Radio, Chicago 2001


    (Highlights from the four minute audio) Obama decries the fact that "…the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and sort of, basic issues of political and, and, and economic justice in this society." ("Economic justice in LiberalSpeak means taking money from people who work, and giving to people who won't work.)

    He complained that the radical Warren Supreme Court wasn't radical enough, because it "...didn't break free from the essential constraints placed, uh, uh, by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution." He went on to complain that, "The Constitution doesn't say what the… government MUST DO on your behalf." (Things like supplying our every need from cradle to grave, all the while controlling every aspect of our lives.)

    The tape concludes with Senator Government saying that the TRAGEDY of the civil rights movement was that the Constitution wasn't radically interpreted to force redistribution of wealth by the government. "We still suffer from that."

    In answer to a question from a caller, he said that he didn't know if the courts could bring about "major redistribution of wealth" or "economic justice," but that he believed it could be accomplished politically. (If you were wondering about Obama's presidential priorities, wonder no more.)

    Incidentally, in an effort to bolster the radios audience's confidence in his pretended Constitutional expertise, Obama referred to himself as a Law Professor. Just one more of his many lies. The radio interviewer properly introduced him with his real title -- "senior lecturer". This is a position often given to post-graduate students. Obama was never a Professor.

    -- Posted by FlagshipOne on Wed, Oct 29, 2008, at 10:41 AM
  • Hi, Robert:

    Thanks for referring to my candidacy for President. As it happens, Obama has won the election. The primary reason I ran was that Obama and McCain refused to address the plight of 2 million children in the U.S. annually who are abused, neglected, exploited, abandoned, homeless, and institutionalized through no fault of their own. That's 1 out of 37 children in our great nation. There are 50 million adults (voters) who, as children, suffered from the same political indifference that these children do today. 50 million is greater than the number of U.S. Veterans. I trust Obama will address this important issue when he's in the White House. If not, he'll be hearing from me again.

    Blessings, Santa

    Former candidate for President

    Current Executive Director, TSCF


    -- Posted by Santa Claus on Wed, Nov 5, 2008, at 6:06 PM
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