Robert's Randoms
Robert J. Taylor

US Airlines cutting movies, what's next to follow?

Posted Thursday, July 10, 2008, at 12:26 PM
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  • Good stuff, and right on point. In all likelihood, if you crash, you die. Given that, all the other added weight lacks relevance.

    -- Posted by BruceGibson on Thu, Jul 10, 2008, at 9:49 PM
  • So, instead of getting rid of something like a movie, people should lose their jobs? That makes no sense at all. I think the airline is doing the best thing in this instance. Unemployment is already high enough, the last thing we need is to have more unemployed people. It may eventually come down to letting some flight staff go, for now, I commend them for getting rid of something like a movie player in order to save on costs.

    If you get rid of the floatation/seat cusion on every flight, what about those who do fly over large bodies of water? I fly from Boise quite often and never have I ever flown over a large body of water, however, I don't want anyone else to be put into danger because of not having what they need if they do end up in the water.

    How much does a vending machine weigh? More than a drink cart I would suspect. While I agree they could give you a drink before you got on the plane, I don't agree that a vending machine would be better.

    I also don't agree that adding more weight by adding two seats and taking out one first class seat is a good idea. If someone wants to pay more to fly in comfort, why not? I abosolutely hate sitting next to someone on a plane who has bad body odor, or who thinks it's okay to lean over me to either look out the window or to check where the flight attendant is. I would love to be able to afford to fly first class every where I go.

    I suspect your comments might have been a bit on the wit side and less on the serious side, at least I hope so!

    -- Posted by ItsJustMeAgain on Sun, Jul 13, 2008, at 12:02 PM
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