The idea behind Robert's Random is for me to write about whatever I'm thinking about whenever I'm thinking it. I try to write 3-5 times a week, but sometimes real work gets in the way of that. Sometimes I'll share whatever random thought I might have that day but most of the time, I like to write about things going on in the news. I'm a total news junkie, I spend a lot of time online at various news sites. If I find a story where someone does something totally stupid or I wonder "what were they thinking?" I don't mind pointing it out incase others missed it or taking my best guess at what they were thinking. I like to laugh, I like to make others laugh. There's so much serious and wrong stuff going on in the news that when I find an unusual or light story, I like to use it. And while real life news events might be the focus of many of my blogs, I'm just trying to entertain you, make you laugh and maybe even think about something you didn't know before reading. I'm not trying to break any serious news or deliver any hard-hitting coverage. You'll have to read a paper or watch one of the network shows for that.
Tim McGraw: Army of one

Tim McGraw is pretty much an all-around stud. Not only does he get to bone Faith Hill and have 17-year old fans write songs in his namesake, he's also a crime-fighting superhero.
During a recent show, he observed a plus-size man shoving a woman around. He called for security then pretty much dragged the man on stage and kicked him out of the show.
If someone hadn't caught it on their cellphone and put it on YouTube, this man could tell all his friends about the time Tim McMGraw invited him on stage and let him hang out backstage for a few minutes.
Now everyone knows the truth, he was manhandled by Tim McGraw, almost took a punch from him and lost his front row seats to the concert. Through, I'm pretty sure if Tim wanted to rough me up, I wouldn't say no, he's that cool.
Not only is he married to one of the hottest women in the world in Faith, but she happens to be one of country's musics highest paid stars. Faith made $12 million last year, which sounds like a lot until you consider Tim made $23 million of his own money. How many guys can say they make nearly twice as much money as their $12-million-a-year wife?
When Tim or Faith aren't on the radio, there's a good chance Taylor Swift might be, the young star who rose to fame with a song named after Tim. I'm pretty sure that had she written, "When you think Robert Taylor, I hope you think of me," she wouldn't have gotten very far.
How cool would it be turn the radio on and hear a song with your name in it (unless you're Kobe and Shaq's doing the singing)?
In 2000, Tim was named Father of the Year by National Fatherhood Initiative, is there anything he doesn't do better than the rest of us?
He's even above the law. A few days after he picked up this award, he posed for his mug shot after getting arrested in New York City. His buddy, Kenny Chesney, may or may not have stolen a horse from a police officer and when the police tried to get him off the horse, Tim and his stage manager intervened. The trio got arrested but the jury only needed two hours to find them not guilty.
It's a little known fact that Tim was the first artist to knock off a number one song he sung back up on with his own single. It's true, in 2002 he sung back up on Jo Dee Messina's "Bring on the Rain," which reached the top of the charts and stayed there until one of Tim's singles knocked it off the top spot.
And, Tim can cause Faith to say balls in public.
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